
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Online employment in China at present gradually become the first choice for young job seekers, but also in the city's popularity is increasing year by year trend. In all kinds of enterprises in our country have sufficient premise, and candidates can be very convenient to the Internet, through the process of human capital site talent hire cost low, cover wide, long cycle of advertisement, contact convenient wait for an advantage, and can perhaps to HR management and personnel job brings a lot of convenience. Is to build the human capital sites for enterprises and individuals have the main significance of the platform, the platform is a two-way choice of enterprises and personnel a bridge. According to South Korean enterprises in the cooperative governance of human capital on the request of human capital and enterprise collaboration exchange platform constructing plan is studied, the system adopts the LAMP architecture of enterprises in China and South Korea all personnel through the process of collection and database to stop the same governance and the integration of capital, human capital management in cooperative enterprises in Korea the complete standardization, scientific, network, system and digital processing, which is useful in South Korea cooperation enterprise human capital management of the coherent data inconsistent caliber and evacuation of information storage is not compatible, not completely, and to share and update the hard grades effectively improve the governance of human capital effectiveness. This paper firstly introduced the coherent system techniques, including PHP, MYSQL, AJAX, MVC and other skills; secondly, the overall demand for human capital and enterprise cooperation network function requirements and non function needs of the specific analysis; then according to the demand analysis and propose the overall structure of human capital network system, the application of the future the popular LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP), then the design method of the system function module, database, and LAMP equipment stopped construction and description in the database design to design E a R model to complete the data warehouse; the first stop on the construction of the test system. In order to verify the feasibility and reliability of the system design plan. In the system in the course of development, subject according to software engineering development steps and ideas and useful completed the system design, and supply the a interactive human capital management platform, the completion of the China ROK cooperation enterprise comprehensive human capital business management and development.


摘要   5-6   ABSTRACT   6-7   目录   8-11   第一章 引言   11-17       1.1 探讨背景   11       1.2 人力资源网的发展近况   11-14       1.3 人力资源网的影响   14-15           1.3.1 人力资源网对个人的影响   14-15           1.3.2 人力资源网对公司的影响   15       1.4 探讨目标和内容   15-16           1.4.1 探讨目标   15           1.4.2 探讨内容   15-16       1.5 本文的组织结构   16-17   第二章 相关技术基础   17-23       2.1 PHP 语言概述   17-18           2.1.1 PHP 的特点   18           2.1.2 对 PHP 运用的误解   18       2.2 MYSQL 概述   18-19       2.3 JQUERY 简介   19       2.4 AJAX 简介   19-21       2.5 MVC 简介   21-22       2.6 小结   22-23   第三章 系统需求略论   23-30       3.1 总体需求   23-24       3.2 功能需求   24-26       3.3 非功能需求   26-27       3.4 用例略论   27-29       3.5 小结   29-30   第四章 系统总体设计   30-50       4.1 系统总体架构设计   30-33       4.2 系统功能设计   33-35           4.2.1 系统前台管理模块   33-34           4.2.2 用户管理模块   34           4.2.3 公司管理模块   34-35           4.2.4 系统后台管理模块   35       4.3 数据库设计与实现   35-45           4.3.1 数据库设计和优化准则   35-36           4.3.2 数据库概念结构设计   36-41           4.3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计   41-45       4.4 LAMP 环境的配置   45-48           4.4.1 安装 MySQL5   45           4.4.2 安装 Apache2   45-46           4.4.3 安装 PHP5   46-47           4.4.4 让 PHP5 支持 MySQL   47-48       4.5 系统安全性设计   48-49       4.6 本章小结   49-50   第五章 系统功能的具体实现   50-64       5.1 系统前台设计   50-52           5.1.1 高级职位搜索   50-52           5.1.2 申请和收藏职位   52       5.2 用户管理后台设计   52-55           5.2.1 系统后台登录   52-53           5.2.2 用户头像的设置   53-55       5.3 公司管理后台设计   55-57       5.4 系统管理后台设计   57-58       5.5 工作流技术在人力资源网中的相关运用   58-60       5.6 系统逻辑层的实现   60-63           5.6.1 实体类的定义   60-62           5.6.2 逻辑层的实现代码   62-63       5.7 小结   63-64   第六章 系统测试   64-70       6.1 系统测试概述   64       6.2 系统功能测试   64-67       6.3 系统安全测试   67-69       6.4 小结   69-70   第七章 总结与展望   70-72       7.1 总结   70-71       7.2 展望   71-72   致谢   72-73   参考文献   73-75  
