다큐멘터리를 활용한 한국 정보문화교육 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Study on the Methods of Teaching Korean Information Culture for KFL : Focusing on EBS ‘Knowledge Channel e’ The purpose of this study is to suggest a method of teaching Korean information culture to advanced level Korean language learners by...

A Study on the Methods of Teaching Korean Information Culture for KFL : Focusing on EBS ‘Knowledge Channel e’

The purpose of this study is to suggest a method of teaching Korean information culture to advanced level Korean language learners by using documentaries exhibiting various cultural and social aspects of Korean society in order to develop cultural competence. The EBS documentary ‘Knowledge Channel e’ has been selected as a focus to effectively implement the teaching of Korean information culture to learners because it is an effective method of understanding Korean society. Teaching/learning methods are proposed based on content related to information culture found within episodes of ‘Knowledge Channel e’. Cultural competence includes both the language speaking skills required to understand and use language suitable for different contexts, but also the learner’s capacity to recognize their own cultural identity through a target culture. If Korean information culture is learned through visual media, target knowledge are more easily delivered and acquired.
Chapter I presents the purpose and necessity of the study along with the direction of it, based on an examination of previous studies.
Chapter II categorizes information culture education and provides the theoretical background of this study based on the relationship between development of learners’ cultural competence and the need to incorporate media into teaching methods regarding cultural education when teaching Korean language. It also examines the effects of Korean information culture education using ‘Knowledge Channel e’ documentaries one form of visual media among various visual media previously used in Korean language education.
Chapter III examines the principle of culture education and emphasizes the importance of information culture education and the relevance of the ‘Knowledge Channel e’ as a documentary for information culture education. Based on predetermined criteria, it also divides and categorizes a total of 95 episodes into content suitable for different aspects of information culture including society, politics, economy, history, education, science, customs and multi-cultural societies.
Chapter IV suggests a teaching/learning model using the ‘Knowledge Channel e’ for information culture education which enhances cultural competence and establishes a teaching method to be applied to actual classes in Korean language education for advanced level learners by selecting ‘the School Lunch episode, the 3rd part of When I Meet You’ which shows the current state of a multi-cultural Korea as shown on the ‘Knowledge Channel e’ video presented in Chapter III.
Chapter V deduces some conclusions by comprehensively arranging and summarizing the findings.
A thorough analysis of information culture education has established that more research is needed in this area. Most current research focuses on behavior culture or achievement culture in Korean language education. As the necessity of the culture education using various visual media is increasingly emphasized in the Korean language education, the effects of actual education should be reviewed and additional studies will be necessary in the future.
