외국인 유학생의 한국어 학문적 글쓰기에서 인용하기와 바꿔 쓰기 훈련이 표절예방에 미치는 영향 분석 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This research aimed at validating the effect of 'citation' and 'paraphrase' teaching . learning, as a measure to prevent foreign international students' plagiarism in Korean academic writing. Students with learning purpose may commit plagiarism in var...

This research aimed at validating the effect of 'citation' and 'paraphrase' teaching . learning, as a measure to prevent foreign international students' plagiarism in Korean academic writing. Students with learning purpose may commit plagiarism in various reasons, also, foreign international students who should read and write in Korean have the same problem. However, some foreign international students do not recognize the necessity of citation, footnotes, reference writing, paraphrase, etc., or commit plagiarism because they do not know the exact method thereof.
Therefore, this research selected research subjects as follows to verify the effect of citation and paraphrase training in foreign international students' Korean academic writing on prevention of plagiarism.
Subject 1. What is the effect of citation and paraphrase training on prevention of plagiarism?
Subject 2. What is the effect of citation and paraphrase training on change per plagiarism type?
Subject 3. What is the effect of plagiarism prevention class on the learners' recognition and attitude toward plagiarism?
For this research, the researcher composed experimental group and comparative group targeting graduate students of liberal arts and social department who are in the universities in Seoul. Before the research, the researcher conducted a survey on the two groups regarding the actual state of plagiarism prevention and evaluation form after preliminary writing evaluation including equivalence check. Preliminary and post writing evaluation suggested two reading material and was conducted with 'opinion writing by referring to the original text', which was to compose one's opinion according to the subject, by 'summarizing' and using the suggested reading material for each of them. Classes were conducted through four times by dividing the participants into experimental group and comparative group. For the experimental group and comparative group, an education regarding prevention of plagiarism, method of citation, writing of footnotes and reference was conducted in common. However, for the experimental group, the concept of paraphrase and technique were explained explicitly, however, for the comparative group, only introduction to paraphrase was conducted. After all classes were conducted, the researcher conducted post writing evaluation and survey targeting the learners of each group.
The analysis results of collected material can be summarized as follows.
First, however the analysis results of preliminary and post grade of each group in the experimental group and comparative group by using Wilcoxon response ranking mark exam, preliminary and post total mark of the experimental group displayed meaningful difference, however the comparative group had no meaningful difference. Since the grade of both of the experimental group and comparative group increased with regard to naming of source, there was no difference between the two groups regarding post total grade, however it could be confirmed that citation and paraphrase training positively influenced prevention of plagiarism, since the experimental group only showed meaningful difference in preliminary and post grade statistical test within the group.
Second, as the analysis result of plagiarism type, with regard to summarizing, the comparative group displayed slight change in naming the source among the plagiarism type, and the experimental group displayed slight change in naming the source and similarity, however, both of the two groups had decrease in whether of distortion of meaning. With regard to opinion writing by referring to the original text, both of the experimental group and the comparative group displayed a big change in naming the source, also, the experimental group displayed decrease in similarity. Distortion of meaning displayed no big change in both of the two groups. Through this, the researcher could confirm that the experimental group had more positive change per preliminary and post plagiarism type.
Third, as the result of the survey conducted targeting the two groups after preliminary and post writing evaluation, it was confirmed that the learners' recognition on plagiarism rose more in post evaluation than preliminary evaluation. The researcher could check that they came to have increased recognition on plagiarism and attitude to prevent this. Through this, it was confirmed that the class on plagiarism prevention positively influenced the learners' recognition on plagiarism and attitude.
This research has significance that it viewed foreign international students' learning purposed Korean writing in the aspect of ethical writing, of which research is insufficient in Korean education area, and verified the actual effect of citation and paraphrase training on plagiarism prevention of foreign international students' learning purposed writing.
