This study intends to inspect the effects of using a mobile game application for Korean vocabulary learning, specifically on self-direction and vocabulary achievement. This study also aims to diagnose the potential of application usage as Korean vocab...
This study intends to inspect the effects of using a mobile game application for Korean vocabulary learning, specifically on self-direction and vocabulary achievement. This study also aims to diagnose the potential of application usage as Korean vocabulary education media, given the fast changing education environment.
As can be observed in previous studies, mobile learning does have significant effect on foreign language vocabulary learning. It also heightened Self-Directed Learning Readiness. Thus, the study aims to measure how a mobile vocabulary game application affects self-direction, vocabulary achievement of Korean language learners. Furthermore, through post-self-assessment, a survey was administered to measure how many hours were spent on the learning and whether the experience was repeatedly desirable.
To prove the topics, the following experiment was carried out:
Among the 30 research participant, randomly divided 15 participants (control group) used conventional method( based vocabulary list) to study 1st grade vocabulary for a week. The other 15(experimental group) used mobile game application(developed by the author and J. Ahn[2012]) to study chapter 1, 2 and 3. The amount of vocabulary given to learners.
Before the learning began, pre-self-directed learning readiness and vocabulary homogeneity pretest were conducted to prove that 2 groups were not statistically different. After a week, a test was done to measure any change in post-self-directed learning readiness, vocabulary achievement test and post self-assessment and affective aspect. The pre and post self-directed learning readiness test were the same, modifying SDLLR (Self-Directed Language Learning Readiness) developed by H. Kim & M. Kim (2009) to fit Korean learning situation. Vocabulary homogeneity pretest was done by adopting and modifying questions from S-TOPIK (Standard Test of Proficiency In Korean). Vocabulary achievement test was done with 50% noun and 50% verb, following the method of S-TOPIK. The results were processed accordingly with descriptive statistics, chi-square test and independent sample t-test.
The analysis of the experiment result is as follows:
First, the experimental group had significantly higher value in post-self-directed learning readiness when compared to the control group.
Second, the experimental group had significantly higher value in pre and post self-directed learning readiness when compared to the control group.
Third, the experimental group had higher value in vocabulary achievement but it was not statistically significant. It can be thus inferred that although learning through game application does not significantly increase vocabulary achievement, learning game application does have positive effect on vocabulary achievement as the experimental group had a mean vocabulary achievement score of 94.45 while the control group had a mean score of 90.07.
Fourth, the control group didn't have any change in affective aspect toward learning while the experimental group had positive change in affective aspect toward learning.
Fifth, both control group and experimental group answered experimental treatment was effective. Notably, the number of participants of experimental group who had answered 'very helpful' were 8, compared to the 4 participants of the control group. The satisfaction on the overall learning efficiency was higher in experimental group. Lastly, most of the participants in both groups answered that they wanted to use the same method for vocabulary learning. However, they differed in the fact that participants in control group gave the reason as 'effective' and 'autonomous' while the participants in experimental group gave the reason as 'fun'.
With the above results, the following was concluded. Korean vocabulary learning with mobile game application significantly increased self-directed learning readiness and had positive impact on vocabulary achievement. Furthermore, it had a positive impact on the affective aspect of the learner. As the learner found interest in learning, it could be accepted as a new form of self vocabulary learning.
The limit of this study is as the following. First, the result can not be generalized as the participants were Chinese, in their 20s, have had a higher education, and had 1st grade in the language center of university. Second, the learning period was too short; a week. Third, productive vocabulary knowledge was not assessed. Further study is recommended.
,韩语论文,韩语论文 |