중국어권 학습자 대상 ‘사과(謝過)’ 화행문화 교육방안 : TV 드라마의 담화 상황 분석을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study focuses on plans in educating apology act of speech culture for enhancing Korean speaking skills among Chinese. An effective plan of teaching and learning apology act of speech culture can be achieved through analysis of apology act of spee...

This study focuses on plans in educating apology act of speech culture for enhancing Korean speaking skills among Chinese. An effective plan of teaching and learning apology act of speech culture can be achieved through analysis of apology act of speech strategy between speakers of Korean as mother tongue and Chinese who are learning Korean depending on situational, social factors in Korea and Chinese TV dramas.
To briefly state this study, there is an analysis on comparing between Korean TV drama 지붕 뚫고 하이킥 and Chinese TV drama 가유아녀 in chapter 3. There were no significant difference between apology act of speech strategy between Korea and China. But in China it is deemed for the subordinate to apologize. In relaxing form China usually use passive form and has shown the tradition to compensate the same amount as the damage done. In emphasis form adverb that has meaning of emphasis are used with the apologetic verb but in Korea they use exclamations front and behind the verb while China use repetition, demand, or appellation.
There is a little difference in compensation form of indirect apologetic act of speech. Both countries compensate with material but Chinese consider their honor. They also apologize only when they're alone or are friendly because of honor. They do not accept their faults in front of the mass but impute it to others.
There are no case where in China people lie down on their knees and bow. Charming is used in Korea more than in China. Korean speakers tilt their heads down and eye downward. This difference in apologetic act of speech can be educated, enhancing the communication skills of Korean learners.
In chapter 4 forms of teaching and learning Korean for Chinese is divided into befor, during and after view. Evaluation test used prior to view measure learner's ability to recognize Korean. In the intro, the vocabularies and sentences for education is shown along with the outline. Viewing activity is divided into situation comprehension, evaluation and practice sessions. The specific contents are to analyze the situation in the model dialogues of TV dramas, decision of which strategic apology act of speech to use and role playing. After view contains arranging and enhancing the ability to understand the procedure of apology act of speech class. With evaluation and debates this part raise recognition and communication skills through debates and feedback.
And with the TV drama 지붕 뚫고 하이킥 an exhibition of learning and teaching Korean is shown. It will proceed in the way of dividing relax form, which is an indirect apology act of speech, into lingual and nonlanguage apology act of speech. In the lingual part, Communication skills and recognition of situation can be achieved through the lingual part where they role-play a part in drama. In nonlanguage form use of body language is the core. It will be also be divided into before, during, and after view. Drama is the most adapt data that show how Koreans apologize. So learners can enhance their Korean skills copying what actors do in the dramas like it is a real situation.
This study is on plans of Korean apology act of speech for Chinese learners by utilizing TV drama situations. There might be a difference in between the drama and reality as actors are mostly constrained in speech. There is another difference as sitcoms are made for comic purpose which might be hard to find in real situations. The difference can be supplied by the teacher's appropriate role in class. And as this study focus only on apologetic act of speech it has a limit on forms of teaching and language as modern Korean education focus on integration of all sides of language.

本探讨旨在研讨提高中国人韩国语学习者沟通能力的道歉言语行为文化教育方案. 总结了中国电视剧和韩剧中不同的场景、不同社会因素下, 韩语为母语的韩国人和学习韩国语的中国人如何道...

本探讨旨在研讨提高中国人韩国语学习者沟通能力的道歉言语行为文化教育方案. 总结了中国电视剧和韩剧中不同的场景、不同社会因素下, 韩语为母语的韩国人和学习韩国语的中国人如何道歉的言语行为. 在得出来的比较略论结果之上, 提出有效的道歉言语行为教育学习方案.
本论文的探讨内容可概括如下:在第三章, 笔者比较略论了《穿透屋顶的highkick》等韩国电视剧和《家有儿女》等中国电视剧的道歉言语行为类型, 发现韩国与中国的口头道歉行为的方式是没有明显的区别的. 只不过在纯粹道歉类型中, 中国小辈有无条件道歉的义务感;在道歉行为的缓和类型中, 中国人通常使用道歉行为动词, 并且有须要支付赔偿金额的传统观念;在强调道歉类型中, 中国人通常把具有强调意义的副词和动词一起使用, 并且中国人更善于使用邀请语、反复表现、呼唤语等策略. 而韩国人却使用更多的感叹词.
在口头道歉言语行为的间接言语行为类型中, 笔者发现了中韩两国人在要求赔偿类型中发现了细微的差别. 第一、两国人都会要求物质来赔偿, 但是, 中国人会考虑自己的面子而提出选择性的赔偿. 第二, 由于中国人爱面子, 所以一般只有在关系亲密或者单独面对面的情况下会才道歉. 此外, 笔者还发现中国人往往在公众场合不承认自己的错误, 把责任推给对方.
在非口头道歉言语行为类型中, 中国基本上没有下跪行大礼的情况, 韩国人比中国人更习惯用撒娇的方式来道歉. 韩国人在道歉的时候通常会低头、视线放低. 了解了中韩两国这些道歉言语行为的异同, 将会有助于学习韩语的中国人提高自己的社会沟通能力.
在第四章, 笔者把学习韩语的中国人的道歉行为文化教育学习模型分为视听前, 视听中, 视听后三个阶段. 第一阶段侧重于活动的诊断评估, 测试学员对言语行为的了解程度, 告诉学员将要学习的行为词汇和句型及整体学习内容. 第二阶段分为情况把握, 情况评估, 行为练习三个部分. 其内容是听完对电视剧的对话后, 把握当时的情景、决定合适的道歉言语行为方式、角色扮演等. 第三阶段侧重于整理总结道歉语言行为的学习内容, 提高学员对道歉语言行为的理解能力. 在评估讨论阶段还将进行学习反馈环节, 提高学员的语言行为意识, 提高沟通能力.
另外, 本论文以《穿透屋顶的highkick》等韩剧为例, 为学习韩国语的中国人提供教学、学习素材. 笔者将以间接的道歉行为类型中的缓和类型为主, 研讨口头和非口头的道歉行为教育学习方案. 口头道歉言语行为指的是截取电视剧中的一个场面, 让学员观看后进行实际的对话, 这样做可以认识理解所学习的情景, 学到沟通的技巧. 而非口头的道歉行为是通过身体语言进行的. 笔者以电视剧为题材是因为电视剧中的韩国人的道歉方式是最贴近现实生活的. 因此, 学习者可以像在日常生活中一样, 通过对话和身体而进行非口头的道歉, 从而提高学习的效果.
本论文选取电视剧中的情景, 为学习韩国语的中国人制定韩国语道歉行为文化的教育方案. 不过, 电视剧中的语言是经过精心策组织过的, 和一般的道歉行为稍微区别. 此外, 本论文选材也存在不足之处, 笔者主要选取了情景喜剧中的对话, 所以与韩国的日常语言环境存在一定的差距. 类似这样的缺点, 在实际的教学活动当中, 老师可以完善补充. 再者, 本论文侧重于中韩两国的道歉行为比较, 并未提出 在教育学习模型方面现代韩国语教育的一大趋势—整合教育方案, 具有一定的局限性
