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여성결혼이민자들의 쓰기 오류 양상 및 교육 방안 연구 : 충남지역 KIIP 참여자의 일기를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This research analyzes the error aspect from the journals of female marriage immigrants in Chung-Nam province who participated in the Korea Immigration & Integration Program of Ministry of Justice and searches for a plan for appropriate writing educat...

This research analyzes the error aspect from the journals of female marriage immigrants in Chung-Nam province who participated in the Korea Immigration & Integration Program of Ministry of Justice and searches for a plan for appropriate writing education for them.
We did a survey on 67 female marriage immigrants in Seosan, Daechun, Eungchun, Taean and Hongseong provinces. The results showed the largest number came from Vietnam and that they were not receiving proper Korean language education as the female marriage immigrants were doing laborious work and other types of work to meet economic ends.
We analyzed the 120 journal entries (65 beginner level and 55 level 5) of female marriage immigrants by grammatical errors such as proposition error, termination work error, and by vocabulary related errors such as contraposition error, omission error, addition error, and found that proposition errors were the most common, and for vocabulary related errors, contraposition errors were the most common such as misuse of definition, compound words and procedures.
For writing education plans for female marriage immigrants, most needed were journal notes, writing notes, Korean vocabulary book and integration or tailored writing exercise books related to official document writing such as the document on change of right to stay. Also needed was regular strengthening of training for Korea Immigration & Integration Programs Korean instructors. To improve female marriage immigrants’ Korean, phase 3 and 4 must be taught and female marriage immigrants must receive education focused on practical writing education for filling in official documents or academic guidance for their own children.
