중국어권 학습자를 위한 동형이의어 분석과 지도방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study contrasted and analysed homographs extracted from Korean textbooks for native chinese speakers learning Korean. And attempted to find a suitable method for homographs. Homographs are chinese characters which are the same shape but are dif...

This study contrasted and analysed homographs extracted from Korean textbooks for native chinese speakers learning Korean. And attempted to find a suitable method for homographs.
Homographs are chinese characters which are the same shape but are different partly or totally in meaning from the Korean use of the characters. Chinese speakers often use the chinese meaning of homographs when speaking Korean. As a result many chinese speakers apply chinese meanings to Korean when they first begin to learn Korean.
In order to protect these errors, learners must first be taught the basic differences on the ground of throughly contrasted and analysed data. And the Korean meanings of homographs need to be emphasised to chinese learners. This learning needs a teaching way suitable to homograph and contrasted and analysed data of homographs.
When we look over existing studies, we find that the studies on homograph were performed but seldom on Korean textbook. And there were no studies on a teaching method suitable to homograph. To address this problem, this study is progressed in two directions significantly
First I extracted Homograph out of the vocabularies in the three Representative Korean textbooks. Then I contrasted and analysed Korean and Chinese meaning after classifying homograph into two categories, partial and total. There were 209 homographs that showed only partial meaning with Chinese character and 22homographs that were totally dissmilar from the chinese meanings within the textbooks that I analyzed.
There were seldom words that appeared in all three textbooks, 54words which have the same shape but partly different meanings and 10words which has same shape but totally different meaning. This demonstrates the complexity and variation between the vocabulary presented in different text books. In addition there were many more homographs in midium grade textbooks compared to beginning and advanced. The application of chinese meaning to homographs continues as learners begin to rapidly increase their vocabulary in medium level classes.
Second I intended to make a learning and teaching approach suitable for homograph. In order to do this I discussed the teaching methods appropriate for teaching homographs. It's needed to let Chinese speakers not to be chaotic because of the feature of homographs. Chinese speakers have to exercise the differences of basic meaning on the ground of contrasted and analyzed data. And they have to learn even meaning relation in the context through the situation where homographs are used in Korean.
As a result of looking over several language learning and teaching methods, communicative language teaching method was most suitable. And I suggested a vocabulary centered teaching model on the ground of communicative language teaching model as a suitable one to homographs. This study can be a direct material of teaching and learning by contrasting and analyzing homogrphs in the Korean textbooks.
I expect this study will be a help somehow to learners and teachers.
