한·중 속담의 대비 및 교육방법 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

As the Chinese learners of Korean, they usually acquire Korean proverbs by the rote memorization. However, the acquisition of Korean proverbs by Chinese learners relates with the morphological character and semantic meanings in their mother tongue whe...

As the Chinese learners of Korean, they usually acquire Korean proverbs by the rote memorization. However, the acquisition of Korean proverbs by Chinese learners relates with the morphological character and semantic meanings in their mother tongue when they memorize the korean proverbs. As known, China - historically, culturally, and geographically - has a very close relationship with Korea. Those historical, cultural and geographic factors have strong impacts on the two language, in particular on their proverbs. Therefore, this thesis aims to compare the morphological character and semantic meaning of proverbs between the Korean and Chinese language, specially to analyze the relationships in the aspects of morphological character and semantic meanings between the two languages.
This study mainly discusses the comparison between the structure of language and semantic language mechanism which are based on national conscious structure, emotion expression, and nationalism formation amongst the people from China and Korea. In the history, Korea shares a lot of heritages with China as well as the culture. In the geographical location, these two countries are closely neighbours. As for these factors, the proverbs in the two languages have been interchangeably developed by the people form the two countries. As the Chinese learners of Korean, the understanding and usages of proverbs are difficult. Therefore, this study is to give the better understanding of proverbs instructing and help the Korean instructors effectively to explain and teach the proverbs to the Chinese learners of Korean.
First, the proverbs with the same shape and the same meaning in the two languages are originated from the same traditional chinese character system which caused the two country people have the similar thinking style and speaking expressions. Moreover, due to the close geographical location of two countries, some proverbs are passed over from China to Korea and also these new arrived proverbs are accommodate to the Korean people's thinking style. Second, the proverbs with the different shape but same meaning in the two languages are derived from the differences of the national culture, thinking styles and different interpretations of the same word between the two countries. Third, the proverbs with the same shape but different meaning in the two languages are originated from both the different opinion on the same issue or thing between the two country people and also the diverse development in two countries over the past few decades. Fourth,韩语毕业论文, in order to avoid the errors from the translation of proverbs and the misunderstanding problems from learning proverbs, the Korean learners should get better understanding of the culture and language usages of the both two countries. Specifically, as the Chinese learners of Korean, it is better for them to get better understanding of the culture of Korea and Korean idioms. More culture comparison and people's conscious structure related to the proverbs between Korean and China will be left for the further research study.
