비영리 국제 방송의 보도 특성 연구 : Arirang TV를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study investigates ing characteristics of the nonprofit international channel Arirang TV with the content analysis of <Arirang News>, broadcasted through its world channel in 2009. The ultimate objective of a nonprofit international b...

This study investigates ing characteristics of the nonprofit international channel Arirang TV with the content analysis of <Arirang News>, broadcasted through its world channel in 2009. The ultimate objective of a nonprofit international broadcast is the enhancement of the affirmative reflection of the Republic of Korea, its direction set on international influences. By examining the domestic and international ing attitudes of Arirang TV, its methods on how to reach the objective have been analyzed. Furthermore, the diversity of the contents as well as its content structure has been evaluated to make conclusions on their potential for international influences. First, the ing attitudes in both domestic and international s were studied. According to the analysis, Arirang TV News demonstrates an evidently positive viewpoint towards Korea. Regarding international affairs, however, there seemed to be a lack of any clear attitudes or characteristics of bias. The diversity of the s was examined through studying the topics explored in domestic and international , the news maker and its social standing, as well as the number, type, and affiliation of the sources. It was concluded that topics covering politics and economics composed nearly 70% of all s, both domestically and internationally. This appears to be due to the reason that a nation's political and economic affairs is what best informs and introduces it to other countries. This directly correlates to foreign press that have ed mostly politics and economics regarding Korean affairs. The specific topics analyzed in domestic and international s are as follows. News concerning political affairs consisted primarily of diplomatic, trade, negotiation relationships, including North Korea and the reunification of the Korean peninsula. Reports relating to North Korea were more covered in international news compared to domestic. Topics covering economic affairs did not show any consequential differences in foreign and domestic news. However, significant differences in broadcasting were found in topics covering social affairs, showing a higher rate of ing for natural disasters and accidents in international broadcasts. No meaningful differences were found for topics covering culture. The analysis of the diversity of news makers showed that overall, national and government-related news makers composed more than 50% of all involved. An examination of their social standing demonstrated that the highest social ranking news makers appeared in a high ratio both domestically and internationally. The results obtained from examining the diversity of sources are as follows. It was conclusive that generally, the number of sources on each incident ranged from 1-2, regardless of the nation it involves. Regarding the type of sources, sources obtained by the personal encounter was the highest in number, followed by informational sources, both domestically and internationally. The examination of the affiliation of the sources showed a high ratio of government agent related sources. A sum of the analytical facts on the sources show that a viewpoint of the government and federal organizations is highly imposed in Arirang TV, and that the foreign press' viewpoint has a major influence on s regarding other nations. Finally, the structure of ing was analyzed. On the basis that Arirang TV delivers straight s overall, the composition factors of the s were gathered together to examine its structural completeness. Thus, the s were broken down into four main compositional components: 1)cause 2)process 3)results(effects) and 4)reaction(analysis), and were examined to see how these components were combined and utilized in each individual s. No significant differences were found between domestic and international s were found regarding its structural completeness and quality. Regardless of the nation, any s that embraced multiple aspects showed to decrease in ratio as the level of conclusiveness increased. This study focused on how ing characteristics of Arirang TV were revealed as a nonprofit international broadcast. Through this study it is anticipated that the deficiencies of academic interest in Arirang TV are fulfilled, which may provide for the opportunity to strengthen the international influence and development of Arirang TV. A summary of the analysis shows that Arirang TV struggles in many aspects in order to enhance the positive image of the republic of Korea as a nonprofit organization. This is evident through its ratio of Korean/foreign contents as well as its ing attitude. However, the specific topics covered in the media still showed a strong focus in politics, including a high ratio of news makers who are affiliated with the government. Furthermore, it was concluded that the highest social ranking news makers were primarily influencing the contents. It was clear that the contents of the s were focused primarily on the federal and national organizations, which included over half of the sources from government affiliations. It can be implied from these facts that the mainstream of Arirang News is federal informative, or government s. It is inferred that this strong foundation of government ing coincided with the positive attitude of Korean broadcasts called for questions regarding federal promotion and bias. As stated above, the sources that are required by the ers often tend to be related to the federal organization. In addition, it is somewhat inevitable that the government become a primary factor when presenting a nation to another, especially considering the affiliation on a national basis in an international broadcasting. However, what needs to be considered in order to create an image of Korea as a nation, is the fact that a diverse class of events and people exist in Korea. Topics centering on the government, federal-affiliated sources and news makers, and the number of sources showed to have a significant effect on the conclusiveness of the s. Upon the study of the completeness of the s both domestically and internationally, Arirang TV focused primarily on analyzing the cause and process of an event, explain the situation on a lower dimensional perspective, rather than coming to a conclusion. In order for Arirang TV news to become influential as an internationally broadcasting agent, it needs to incorporate both analytic and multidimensional viewpoints.
