전주지역 결혼이민자 여성의 한국어 습득에 미치는 사회·환경요인에 대한 분석 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Introduction International marriages between Korean bachelors and other Asian women who chose marriage as a method of immigration to Korea have been drastically increasing in recent years. These kinds of international marriages have been inducing...


International marriages between Korean bachelors and other Asian women who chose marriage as a method of immigration to Korea have been drastically increasing in recent years.
These kinds of international marriages have been inducing many social problems because of abrupt marriage in the condition of lack of social, cultural, or linguistic understanding mutually. The aim of this study was to investigate the socioenvironmental factors which had effect on Korean learning of marriage-immigrants women in Jeonju city area.

Subjects and methods

One hundred one foreign brides, who were born and grew up from 8 different countries and lives in Jeonju city area at now, were enrolled in this study.
We performed Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) to evaluate their Korean language ages and made the questionnairing about 12 items to evaluate socioenvironmental factors. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 10.0 program was used to analyze the correlation coefficient between PPVT equivalent age and socioenvironmental factors.


The average equivalent age of Korean language of these resident women by PPVT was 8.2±4.92 years old. The study showed 3 major socioenvironmental factors as the number of Korean friends, the length of their stay in Korea, and the number of their offspring. And there were 4 minor factors as a religion, a job, an educational background and the number of friends except Korean. On the other hands, the educational experience of Korean language had not affect on the equivalent ages of resident women.


3 major factors show that the environmental exposure to Korean language use is more important than any other factors in Korean learning ability of resident women. Also it shows that Korean educational programs from the Multicultural Family Support Centers or the various welfare facilities for resident women are not operated efficiently. The systematic Korean educational program for resident women is necessary and it is the effective way to solve the difficulties about korean learning of marriage-immigrants women.
