한국어 동사 교육 연구 : 동사의 통사 및 의미 교육을 위한 패턴(pattern) 선정을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The goal of this research is to argue that it is advantageous for the Korean verbs to be taught to the Korean language learners as patterns, a kind of lexical chunks including a verb, not as a single lexeme of a verb. For this purpose, the method to e...

The goal of this research is to argue that it is advantageous for the Korean verbs to be taught to the Korean language learners as patterns, a kind of lexical chunks including a verb, not as a single lexeme of a verb. For this purpose, the method to extract the patterns from large-scale corpus is developed, and the lexical patterns of Korean verbs are extracted from corpus. Finally, the lexical patterns of the 102 Korean verbs are listed up and presented in this . The pattern of a word is defined as all the words which are linearly associated with the word and which contribute to its meaning. A pattern can be identified if a combination of words occurs with relative high frequencies, if it is dependent on a particular word choice, and if there is a clear meaning associated with it. According to this definition of a word pattern, verb patterns on this can be defined as all the words which are associated with a specific verb. In general, a word (included grammatical morpheme) which antecede a verb can be relatively associated with the meaning of a verb in Korean language. Thus, I suggested that 'case marker / verb' or 'ending / verb' could be a syntactic pattern of a verb, and 'noun(/case marker)/verb' could be a semantic pattern of a verb. For instance, a verb {po-} can be patterned with case marker {-ul/lul} or {-ro}, and thus each '-ul/lul po-'(to see something or someone) and '-ro po-‘(to regard something or someone as the others) can be a pattern. Likewise, if noun {yenghwa}(the movie) and a verb {po-}(to see) is patterned, {po-} can be interpreted 'to see' which is a basic meaning of it, as seen 'yenghwa-lul po-ta', whereas a noun {cip}(the house) and a verb {po-} is patterned, {po-} can has the non-basic meaning of 'to watch or to guard', as seen 'cip-ul po-ta'. This approach is similar to 'sentence pattern' which is traditionally regarded as the teaching item of the syntax of a verb, but verb pattern is different in that the verb pattern is composed with only a verb and its antecedent which contribute to its meaning. But, sentence pattern is difficult to be taught to Korean language learners because it contains all of the arguments of a verb and it can not reflect the omission of an argument, including a subject or an object and the other adjuncts in Korean language, whereas the verb pattern can be seen as the core form which contribute to the realization of the meaning of verb in sentence. This verb pattern can be an alternative of the tradition of the teaching case marker focussing isolated meaning or function of itself, which can get foreigners make error to use inappropriate case marker, and also can offer a method to teach polysemous meaning of a verb. On the basis of speculation above, I drew up the list of 102 verbs of Korean which is considered as the fundamental educational words. For this, I devised the method of drawing up the patterns of verbs through the examination of the Sejong Corpus which is composed of ten million words of Korean and presented the list of the patterns of verbs. Among the candidates of a pattern through the research of the large corpora, I proposed that a meaningful pattern must have high frequency, intuitional adequacy, and the necessity of instruction. Especially, the syntactic pattern of verbs should be divided into two by two group whether it can be seen either a major rule or a minor rule, and whether it can be seen the marked form in Korean syntax or not. Besides it, the semantic pattern of verbs should be classified into the basic meaning patterns and the others. The basic meaning patterns can be a good example for learning the relational syntactic pattern which is unfamiliar to foreigners, that is, a basic meaning pattern as in 'yenghwa-lul po-ta'(to see the movie) can be an practical usage of a syntactic pattern as in '-ul/lul po-'. On the contrary, the non-basic meaning pattern can be introduced to foreigners who are accustomed to the relational synta
