(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 小说《怅惘》是德语作家艾利亚斯·卡内蒂的第一部著作。小说固然从问世到被众人所接收阅历了一系列弯曲的进程,但终究取得了普遍承认和赞赏,并被翻译成多种文字,成为卡内蒂的传世之作。哲学家弗里德里希·尼采对后世作用普遍且连续深远,在文学上他也是一个难以绕开的存在。和穆奇尔一样,卡内蒂也遭到尼采思惟的作用。经由过程对卡内蒂小说《怅惘》的细心剖析可以看出尼采权利实际的印记。对权利的寻求在某种水平上阁下了小说中人物的行动和思惟。尼采把权利意志当作完成个别壮大的力气,德语论文题目,德语论文范文,而卡内蒂则在著作中将之进一步施展而视作人道的阴郁面。在小说《怅惘》中主人公们就是在通向权利的途径上怅惘和腐化的。;别的,说话作为权利对象这一由尼采提出并被卡内蒂所接收的不雅点在《怅惘》获得了详细表现。本文重要采取尼采的权利学说对小说停止了细心的剖析,并得出结论。 Abstract: The novel "lost" is the German writer Elias Canetti's first works. Novel, of course, from the appearance to be all receive experience a series of bending process, but eventually achieved the generally recognized and appreciated, and have been translated into many languages, became the Canetti handed down. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had a great influence on later generations widespread and continuous reaching, in literature he is a difficult to circumvent. Like Canetti, Muchil was influenced by Nietzsche's thoughts. Through the process of Canetti's novel "lost" the careful analysis of the actual rights can be seen in Nietzsche's imprint. The search for right in a certain level you have the action and thought of the characters in the novel. Nietzsche's the will to power as an individual growing strength, Canetti, the works will be further cast treated dark side of humanity. In the novel "lost" in the hero is lost on the way to the right and corruption. ; in addition, talking as a rights object this by Nietzsche proposed and received by Canetti indecent point in the wistful "was shown in detail. In this paper, the importance of Nietzsche's theory of rights to the novel has been carefully analyzed, and come to the conclusion that. 目录: Danksagung 4-5 Abstract 5-6 摘要 6 Inhaltsverzeichnis 7-8 1. Einleitung 8-11 1.1 Motivation und Zielsetzung 8-9 1.2 Forschungsstand 9-10 1.3 Konzept der Arbeit 10-11 2. überblick über Elias Canetti und Die Blendung 11-18 2.1 Elisa Canettis Lebenslauf 11-13 2.2 Die Entstehung von Die Blendung 13-14 2.3 Inhaltsangabe 14-18 3 Machttheorie 18-50 3.1 Nietzsches Machttheorie 18-20 3.2 Canettis Machttheorie 20-22 3.3 Machtgefühl und Machtausübung in der Blendung 22-24 3.4 Die Macht der Worte 24-36 3.4.1 Fragen als Instrument der Macht 24-29 3.4.2 Befehl als Instrument der Macht 29-36 3.5 Die Wille zur Macht in der Blendung 36-50 3.5.1 Kiens Wille zur Macht 36-44 3.5.2 Theresens Wille zur Macht 44-50 4. Schlussfolgerung 50-51 Literaturverzeichnis 51-54 Ⅰ. Prim rliteratur 51 Ⅱ. Sekund rliteratur 51-54 |