(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,德语毕业论文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 本文的研究对象为德、汉语构词法,个中侧重研究复合式分解词。构词法是说话研究的主要构成部门,德国和中国的说话学者都对其有专门的研究,特殊是本文侧重讲的复合式构词法研究因其在构词法中的主要位置和在结构新词方面奇特的感化,愈来愈获得看重。但是从汉德比较的角度看,还不克不及说构词法曾经获得充足的存眷。鉴于此种情形,本文试图存眷德汉构词法,特殊是复合式构词法,比拟其配合的地方及差别,以便更好地懂得德汉语构词特色和懂得复合式分解词的语义。德语属于印欧语系,是典范的弯曲语而汉语属于汉藏语系,是典范的孤立语。它们遵守分歧的语律例则,但在构词法特殊是复合式构词法方面却有着不容疏忽的相通的地方,这些配合点和分歧点就是本文比较研究的基本。本文起首扼要引见比较说话学并对德汉构词法比较的可行性停止了扼要剖析,接着对德汉语构词法停止整体引见。接上去就是论文的主体部门,起首对德语、汉语复合式构词法停止整体研究,对复合式分解词语素之间的关系停止语义和语法剖析,后边就是对复合式分解词最重要的两种情势并列式和偏正式的具体研究。对并列式和偏正式重要采取分类的措施停止研究,从语义和语法的角度对其停止分类比较,找出配合点和分歧点。是以,比较剖析和语义剖析组成了木文的主体。从语义、语法和句法角度剖析出的配合点和分歧点将成为比较说话学研究和外语教授教养的可用资料。 Abstract: The research object of this paper is the German and Chinese word formation, which focuses on the study of compound decomposition words. Word formation is talking to research the main components of the Department, German and Chinese speaking scholars are of a special research, especially this paper focuses the compound word formation research because of its main position in word formation and in terms of the structure of new words in strange action, getting more and more get weight. But from the hand comparative perspective, also cannot say formation to get enough attention once. In view of this situation, this paper attempts to concern between German and Chinese wordformation, special is a compound word formation, compared with the place and the difference, in order to better understand German Chinese word formation characteristics and understand complex decomposition word semantics. German is the language of the Indo European family, bending model while Chinese belongs to Sino Tibetan, is an isolated language model. They abide by the rules and regulations of the language, but in the word formation method is a compound word formation method has the same place that can not be ignored, these complex points and points of difference is the basic of this paper. The feasibility of this paper briefly introduces the comparison of learning to speak and to the German construction of lexical comparison stop the brief analysis, then the German Chinese wordformation overall introduction. Pick up is the main section of the chapeau of German and Chinese compound word Stop whole research, the compound word analysis between the relationship between semantics and syntax analysis, is behind the of a hybrid decomposition words the most important of the two forms paratactic type and partial formal specific research. The classification method is adopted to study the classification method of the coordinate and partial, and the comparison of the classification and comparison of the semantic and grammatical point of view to find out the matching points and points of divergence. In comparison, analysis and semantic analysis of the composition of the subject. From the point of view of semantics, grammar and syntax, the points and points of coordination will become more and more useful information for the study of speech and foreign language teaching. 目录: 摘要 4 Abstrakt 5-7 Inhaltsverzeichnis 7-9 Einleitung 9-12 Kapitel 1 Ein(U|¨)berblick(u|¨)ber die Disziplin und die Durchf(u|¨)hrbarkeit dieser Arbeit 12-16 1.1 Ein(U|¨)berblick(u|¨)ber die Disziplin 12-13 1.2 Die Durchf(u|¨)hrbarkeit der kontrastiven Studie 13-16 Kapitel 2 Ein(U|¨)berblick(u|¨)ber die deutsche und chinesische Wortbildung 16-21 2.1 Ein(U|¨)berblick(u|¨)ber die deutsche Wortbildung 16-19 2.2 Ein(U|¨)berblick(u|¨)ber die chinesische Wortbildung 19-21 Kapitel 3 Die Zusammensetzung im Deutschen 21-27 Kapitel 4 F(?)h(?)sh(?) im Chinesischen 27-33 Kapitel 5 Kopulativkomposition 33-42 5.1 Die Kopulativkomposition im Deutschen 33-35 5.2 Die Kopulativkomposition im Chinesischen 35-38 5.3 Der Vergleich 38-42 5.3.1 Die Gemeinsamkeiten 38-39 5.3.2 Die Verschiedenheiten 39-42 Kapitel 6 Die Determinativkomposition 42-48 6.1(U|¨)berblick(u|¨)ber die Determinativkomposition 42-45 6.1.1 Allgemeines(u|¨)ber die Determinativkomposition im Deutschen 42-44 6.1.2 Allgemeines(u|¨)ber die Pi(?)nzh(?)ngsh(?)-komposition im Chinesischen 44-45 6.2 Der Vergleich 45-48 6.2.1 Die Gemeinsamkeiten 45-46 6.2.2 Die Verschiedenheiten 46-48 Kapitel 7.Der Vergleich der drei Typen der Determinativkomposition im Deutschen und Chinesischen 48-57 7.1 Die Determinativkomposita mit Nomen als Grundwort 48-51 7.2 Determinativkomposita mit Adjetiv als Grundwort 51-54 7.2.1 Determinativkomposita mit Adjetiv als Grundwort im Deutschen 51-53 7.2.2 Determinativkomposita mit Adjetiv als Grundwort im Chinesischen 53-54 7.3 Determinativkomposita mit Verb als Grundwort 54-57 Schluss 57-60 Literaturverzeichnis 60-63 Danksagung 63 |