(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,德语论文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 国际经济协作是指世界上分歧国度(地域)当局、国际经济组织和超出国度界线的天然人与法工资了配合好处,在临盆范畴和流畅范畴(着重临盆范畴)所停止的以临盆要素的国际挪动和从新公道组合设置装备摆设为重要内容的较历久的经济协作运动。本文经由过程国际林业经济协作,实证剖析了德国支援项目带来的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益,解释了介入国际协作给湖南带来的积极感化,并针对湖南林业的现实情形和急切须要处理的成绩,重点剖析了湖南林业介入国际协作的缺乏,并对湖南林业国际协作的门路提出了建议。 Abstract: International economic cooperation refers to the world different countries (regions) authorities, international economic organizations and beyond national boundaries of the natural law and human pay the common interests, in childbirth category and circulation field, with an emphasis on parturient category) to stop the by production elements of the mobile and from new public assembly settings and equipment display important content as compared with long-term economic cooperation. The through the international forestry economic cooperation, an empirical analysis of the German support for the project to bring the economic benefit, ecological benefit and social benefit, explained to participate in international cooperation to Hunan to bring the positive role, and in the light of the realities of Hunan forestry and urgently need to deal with the performance, focusing on analysis of Hunan forestry involved in international cooperation of lack, and the opportunities of Hunan forestry international cooperation suggested. 目录: 封面 1-2 |