
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Moral construction is an important content of modern China construction, it is related to all aspects of our business can successfully stop. If we want to stop the moral construction, we should not only explore the discipline of the development of the Chinese character itself, but also have the experience and experience in the process of the evolution of the moral character of other countries. It is in this paper to discuss the German tradition of the transformation of the traditional virtues of the process, ways, characteristics, and analysis of the current Chinese moral construction of a few inspiration. The first part of the article expounds the basic process and the relevant content of the traditional Chinese moral transformation. Germany ancient traditional moral transformation is mainly refers to from the Middle Ages to the feudal Christian morality based moral thoughts into ancient capitalist moral thought, it is followed by asset class growth, and gradually, growth, the eve of the traditional morality breakthrough, ancient moral fundamental establishment, new to different stages, this article separation made briefly described. The second section of the article summarizes some of the ways and features of German traditional moral transformation. Opportunities of the eve of the induced three points, namely through the process of a series of Ideological and cultural activities, through the process of implementation of bourgeois reform promote the ideology of ancient, through the process of school abandon teaching deepening concept change method to stop. Without these channels to promote the role of moral transformation is difficult to complete. Important characteristics have two aspects: one is transformed from the divine character to humanitarian and moral; the second is with long-term, complex, bending. We must be familiar with the ancient transformation of Germany's moral character. The third part of the article focuses on the analysis of the traditional moral ideas in Germany in the transformation of the ancient Chinese moral construction of several enlightenment, which is the topic of this article, the starting point and significance of the site. First and foremost, to comply with the social development request, establish the response character of indecent, important is to establish moral and socialist market economy to adapt to the indecent; secondly, the correct understanding of the moral improvement and economic growth relationship, tried to combine the two same; again, the correct understanding and moral teachings, to value the moral education and timely adjust the teaching content; initially, the correct understanding of the moral status of the complexity and moral support of the difficult, solid stop moral support, ensure that the cause of the smooth stop.


前言   5   一、 德国传统道德思想现代转型   5-17       (一) 德国的传统道德思想   6-10           1. 德国传统道德思想的源流   6-7           2. 中世纪时期德国的传统道德:基督教道德思想   7-10       (二) 德国传统道德思想的现代转化   10-17           1. 传统道德的突破:人文主义道德思想和新教道德思想   10-12           2. 现代道德的基本确立:启蒙古典时期德国的道德思想   12-14           3. 新的走向:非理性主义道德思想和马克思主义道德思想   14-17   二、 德国传统道德思想现代转型的途径和特点   17-23       (一) 德国传统道德思想现代转型的途径   17-20           1. 通过一系列思想文化运动进行   17-18           2. 通过实行资产阶级改革推动思想意识现代化进行   18-19           3. 通过学校教育深化观念变革进行   19-20       (二) 德国传统道德思想现代转型的特点   20-23           1. 由神性道德向人性道德转化   20-21           2. 具有长期性、复杂性、曲折性   21-23   三、 德国传统道德思想现代转型的启示   23-32       (一) 确立与社会发展要求相适应的道德观   23-25       (二) 正确认识道德进步与经济发展的关系   25-27       (三) 正确认识并进行道德教育   27-29       (四) 正确认识道德近况的复杂性和道德建设的艰巨性   29-32   结语   32-33   注释   33-34   参考书目   34  
