
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In this very new information era, the international exchange is becoming more and more important, and the influence of the country's abstract and the significance of it is also true. At the same time, the exchange of civilizations between China and Germany has also been unprecedented growth. But because of the historical and practical reasons, the construction of the national abstract is still in the initial stage of growth, the response of the research is less. And the study of the Chinese abstract of German all walks of life is also very limited, and the current research is also focused on the Chinese abstract in German media. About a German scholar, in such a situation to discuss the Chinese abstract is a valuable opportunity, but also full of provocation. Relevant investigation discovery, today, from the perspective of German Sinology of Chinese abstract research also less, the German Nazi circles about University of Germany, the spread of Chinese abstract important is from the history point of departure of Contemporary German University of China Abstract introduces and studies has not been touched, while China's German academic research fails to touch. In this paper, the author analyzes the process of the abstract constitution of the state and the practical basis of the cross cultural cognition. Again to German University Department of Sinology in the course of information as the research object, select the comment information absolutely 10 University in 2017 summer semester 128 courses, they stop statistics, summarize and analyze, divided into modern Chinese and ancient Chinese two aspects of civilization subject such as history, literature, philosophy, German cross civilization exchange classification and statistic they accounted for the proportion of pro, chapeau not Yacha Germany Sinological series of Chinese civilization points of interest. Later in the second chapter the main section of the course information and summary analysis to stop. Familiar to the German sinologist effects on German Sinology teaching is quite important, the German sinologist research was analyzed, and the Wolfgang, Ma Hanshu, Kubin and Luo Meijun, four famous modern sinologists as an example, the paper analyzes the research focus of German sinologist, their main influence of University in Germany and the main works. Such as analysis, the author in the third chapter to draw Chinese abstract characteristics summarized and describes itself on the abstraction of the causes of the familiar, contains the cultural differences between China and Germany, such as the value of the indecent, action method, the German Sinology research and teaching the history of identity and German sinologist of the academic view of ego identity. In the conclusion, the author analyzes the results and limitations of the research and puts forward some suggestions on promoting the construction of China's abstract and more objective.

