(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,德语毕业论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 汉字作为汉语特定的构成部门,对汉语有着弗成疏忽的反感化。进修汉字,就是进修汉语;学英雄语,必需得进修汉字。汉字教授教养在对外汉语教授教养中占领很主要的位置,但没有惹起足够的看重,仍存在缺少自力性、针对性不强及迷信性缺乏的成绩,所以汉字教授教养一向是对外汉语教授教养研究中的主要课题之一,也是汉语进修者进修的难点之一。要使汉字教授教养更趋公道化、迷信化,燃眉之急就是要对汉字教授教养停止迷信深刻的研究,个中特别应存眷“非汉字文明圈、非汉语情况、综合课”三者穿插感化下的汉字教授教养研究。本文重要采用个案研究的研究办法,以德国慕尼黑孔子学院中级汉语综合课为例,以班上德国粹生为研究对象,在后人汉字教授教养研究结果的基本上,联合本身一年的教授教养理论,探究出一套较为体系、可行的、可运用于海内汉语综合课的汉字教授教养形式,随时记载教授教养后果,实时反思、调剂教授教养战略,将小我的教授教养理论和教授教养研究联合起来,最初针对对外汉字教授教养提出了几点建议。愿望经由过程此次研究,找到优化对外汉字教授教养的办法,有用处理对外汉字教授教养中涌现的成绩,进步非汉字文明圈先生对汉字的兴致和在非汉语情况下汉字进修的后果,以期在改良本身教授教养办法、进步教授教养质量的同时,也能为对外汉字相干的教授教养和研究供给参考材料。 Abstract: As a specific part of Chinese Chinese characters, are put into neglect effect on anti chinese. Study is to study Chinese; Chinese characters, the hero must learn language, learning Chinese characters. Chinese character teaching in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language occupy very important position, but did not cause enough attention, there is still lack of independence, for of is not strong, and the lack of scientific achievements, so Chinese teaching is always one of the main subjects in Chinese as a foreign language teaching and research and learning Chinese learners is one of the most difficult problems. To make Chinese teaching more hasten is reasonable and scientific, the urgent matter is to superstition profound research on Chinese character teaching, medium in particular should concern for "non Chinese character cultural circle, interspersed with Chinese situation, comprehensive course" under the influence of Chinese teaching and research. This paper mainly adopts the case study research method, a case study of Confucius Institute in Munich, Germany intermediate Chinese comprehensive course, class German students as the research object, the descendants of Chinese teaching and research results on the basis of the, combined with his own a year of teaching theory, to explore a set of system is more, feasible, can be applied to the comprehensive course for overseas Chinese characters teaching form, recorded at any time the effect of teaching, reflection in real time, adjust teaching strategy, combining personal teaching theory and teaching research, initially for the foreign Chinese character teaching put forward several suggestions. Desire through the process of the research, to find the optimal way of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, useful treatment to emerge from the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language achievement and progress of non Chinese character cultural circle Mr. of Chinese spirits and in non Chinese learn Chinese characters of the consequences, in order to improve their own teaching methods, improve the quality of teaching at the same time, also can for coherent Chinese as a foreign language teaching and research provides reference materials. 目录: 提要 3-4 Abstract 4 致谢 5-6 目录 6-8 图目 8 表目 8-9 第一章 绪论 9-12 1.1 选题意义 9 1.2 探讨的问题与目的 9-10 1.3 探讨的价值 10 1.4 探讨的思路和措施 10-12 1.4.1 探讨思路 10 1.4.2 探讨措施 10-12 第二章 文献综述 12-17 2.1 汉字偏误探讨 13 2.2 非汉字文化圈学生汉字教学探讨 13-14 2.3 非汉语环境下的汉字教学探讨 14 2.4 综合课中的汉字教学探讨 14 2.5 汉字认知规律的相关探讨 14-15 2.6 德国汉语汉字教学的相关探讨 15-16 2.7 小结 16-17 第三章 德国中级汉语综合课中的汉字教学 17-36 3.1 德国学生的中级阶段汉字教学概况 17-18 3.1.1 教学对象略论 17-18 3.1.2 教学任务略论 18 3.2 德国学生汉字偏误调查略论 18-23 3.2.1 笔画的偏误 19-20 3.2.2 部件的偏误 20-21 3.2.3 音近、音同的错别字 21-22 3.2.4 结构偏误 22-23 3.3 教学策略略论 23 3.4 中级汉语综合课各教学环节与汉字教学 23-34 3.4.1 预习环节 24 3.4.2 生词环节 24-28 3.4.3 语法环节 28-29 3.4.4 课文环节 29-30 3.4.5 作业环节 30-31 3.4.6 复习环节 31 3.4.7 其他 31-34 3.5 课上汉字教学措施的来源及课后反思 34-36 第四章 针对对外汉字教学的几点建议 36-39 4.1 任课教师应有扎实的汉字学功底,重视汉字教学的重要影响 36 4.2 采用灵活生动的教学措施,综合利用多种教学手段进行教学 36 4.3 建立学生汉字偏误语料库,有侧重地选择讲练内容 36-37 4.4 设计针对母语为非汉语的学习者的汉语词典 37 4.5 关于中级汉语综合课教材编写的建议 37-39 第五章 结语 39-41 参引文献 41-42 |