
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In January 30, 1933, Hitler was chosen as the German Chancellor, the Nazi party began to step down in the. Just a decade of time, the Nazi party from a small party to grow into Germany's first major party. Its growth has been supported by the various classes of German society, including the working class, but the working class has not been supported by the Nazis from the beginning. From 1919 to 1933, experience the relationship between the Nazi Party and the German working class a constantly changing process of growing up. From 1919 to 1923, the Nazi Party and the German working class to stop the initial contact. The twenty-five points that the Nazi Party had promulgated in the late stage included an appeal to the working class, but at this time the German worker's party grew fast, and the workers joined the workers' party, as long as most of the workers were involved in the Nazi party. From 1923 to 1929, the relationship between the Nazi Party and the working class got a new pause, but did not produce a fundamental change. Because the implementation of the Dawes plan, the German economy rapid recovery growth, politics tends to be stable, at the same time, Weimar authorities announced a lot of useless working-class social policy, makes the decrease in workers' involvement in politics, degree of enthusiasm. The working class has not been attracted by the Nazi party. From 1929 to 1933, the relationship between the Nazi Party and the working class has been a serious change. In 1929, the world economic crisis, the German political and economic chaos, the Nazi party to seize the opportunity to enhance the workers' class' s deception to promote the same time, the workers' Party said, resulting in a large number of workers left the workers party to support the Nazi party. From the beginning of the establishment of the Nazi party began to pursue the support of the working class, but the working class has not been attracted by the Nazi Party's propaganda policy. In 1929, when the economic crisis erupted, the working class, which was forced by the crisis, to support the Nazi Party's deception to support the Nazi party. In the thirty years of congressional elections, the workers voted to support the Nazi party. In the end, the working class in the Nazi party to the trap of the Nazi party to step down the supply of power support.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   图表目录   8-9   绪论   9-14       0.1 选题意义   9       0.2 探讨近况   9-13       0.3 探讨内容   13-14   1 1919-1923 年魏玛共和国初期的纳粹党与工人阶层   14-23       1.1 纳粹党的兴起   14-16       1.2 魏玛共和国初期工人阶层的发展状况   16-18       1.3 纳粹党与工人阶层的初步接触   18-23   2 1923-1929 年魏玛共和国相对稳定时期的纳粹党与工人阶层   23-30       2.1 纳粹党的发展与壮大   23-25       2.2 魏玛共和国相对稳定时期工人阶层的发展状况   25-26       2.3 纳粹党与工人阶层关系的新进展   26-30   3 1929-1933 年魏玛共和国后期的纳粹党与工人阶层   30-46       3.1 纳粹党的上台   30-31       3.2 魏玛共和国后期工人阶层的发展状况   31-33       3.3 纳粹党与工人阶层关系的转变   33-43           3.3.1 经济危机对二者关系的作用   33-37           3.3.2 纳粹党吸引工人阶层支持的手段   37-40           3.3.3 纳粹党上台前工人政党的表现   40-43       3.4 工人阶层的投票对纳粹党上台的影响   43-46   结束语   46-48   参考文献   48-54   附录   54-60   致谢   60-61  
