(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 自从参加WTO后我国逐步摊开对外资银行的限制,外资银行和中资银行享用一致公民待遇,使我国金融市场的竞争加倍剧烈。面临如斯剧烈的竞争,若何能力进步运营效力,进步竞争力是以后我国贸易银行急需处理的成绩,是以本文选择对贸易银行运营效力停止研究具有实际和实际意义。与美德等国度比拟我国贸易银行在运营上还存在必定的差距,是以本文将中国贸易银行与美国、德国贸易银行运营效力停止比拟剖析,愿望经由过程比较剖析发明国际贸易银行在运营上的缺乏并提出进步我国贸易银行运营效力的门路。文章起首运用超效力DEA模子和Malmquist临盆率指数对2017-2017年中美德贸易银行运营效力停止静态和静态的比拟剖析,发明中国贸易银行的运营效力全体程度低于德国和美国贸易银行,但差距正在渐渐减少;中国和德国贸易银行在2017-2017年间运营效力全体处于上升的进程中,德语论文网站,德语毕业论文,而美国贸易银行在此时代运营效力全体处于降低的趋向中。然后运用面板数据模子对作用中美德贸易银行运营效力的身分停止回归剖析,发明中国贸易银行与美国、德国贸易银行运营效力存在差距的重要缘由是中国贸易银行在运营上存在着范围不经济、不良资产率太高、资产设置装备摆设不公道和立异才能较高等成绩。最初针对中国贸易银行在运营中存在的缺乏提出进步其运营效力的建议。在研究办法上本文选择超效力DEA模子和Malmquist临盆率指数模子,填补了传统的DEA模子在对贸易银行停止效力剖析时不克不及比拟有用决议计划单位间效力的高下而且不克不及对贸易银行运营效力的跨期更改停止研究的缺乏。 Abstract: Since joining the WTO in China gradually spread to restrictions on foreign banks, foreign banks and Chinese banks enjoy consistent treatment of citizens, the competition in the financial market of our country more intense. Faced with such fierce competition, how to improve the operational effectiveness of the ability to improve the competitiveness of China's commercial banks in the future is an urgent need to deal with the results, is the choice of commercial banks to stop the operation of the study has practical and practical significance. And virtue and other countries compared to China's commercial banks in the operation there is a certain gap between China and the United States, the United States, Germany and the United States, Germany, the desire to compare the efficiency of the operation of the lack of international trade bank and put forward the way to improve the effectiveness of China's commercial banks. The chapeau of effectiveness of DEA model and Malmquist birth rate index of 2017, in virtue of commercial bank management effectiveness of static and static comparative analysis, the invention of Chinese commercial banks operation efficiency overall level is lower than that of Germany and the United States commercial banks, but the gap is gradually reduced; China and Germany commercial banks in 2017 years operation effectiveness are all in the process of rising, and American commercial banks. In the operation effect all in the decrease trend. Then applied panel data model for influence in virtue of commercial banks operational effectiveness the identity of the regression analysis, invented the Trade Bank of China with the United States, Germany commercial bank management effectiveness of the existence of the gap is the main reason of Chinese commercial banks in operation there are diseconomies of scope, non-performing assets rate is too high, the assets set equipment decoration not reasonable and ability to innovate higher achievement. At first, it puts forward some suggestions to improve the operation efficiency of China's commercial banks in the operation. On the way to study the ultra effectiveness of DEA model and Malmquist birth rate index model, to fill the traditional DEA model in trade banks to stop the analysis efficiency cannot compare useful decision unit between the effectiveness of compete but also means less on commercial bank operational effectiveness intertemporal change of research lack. 目录: 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 1 绪论 8-16 1.1 选题背景 8 1.2 选题意义 8-9 1.3 国内外探讨近况 9-13 1.3.1 国外探讨文献综述 9-11 1.3.2 国内硏究文献综述 11-13 1.3.3 文献述评 13 1.4 探讨措施及结构框架 13-15 1.4.1 探讨措施 13-14 1.4.2 探讨框架 14-15 1.5 创新之处 15-16 2 商业银行效率理论基础 16-27 2.1 商业银行效率理论概述 16 2.2 商业银行效率的分类 16-17 2.3 商业银行经营效率测度的措施 17-24 2.3.1 参数措施 17-18 2.3.2 非参数法 18-19 2.3.3 参数措施与非参数措施的比较 19-20 2.3.4 DEA 效率评价模型 20-24 2.4. 投入产出指标的确定 24-27 2.4.1. 投入产出指标的界定原理 24-25 2.4.2 投入产出指标的确定 25-27 3 中国与美国、德国商业银行经营效率实证略论 27-37 3.1 样本银行的确定 27 3.1.1 样本银行的选取 27 3.1.2. 数据来源 27 3.2 基于共同效率前沿的中美德商业银行经营效率的静态略论 27-34 3.2.1 中美德商业银行经营效率的实证结果 27-30 3.2.2. 中美德商业银行经营效率的比较略论 30-31 3.2.3 中国商业银行经营效率略论 31-32 3.2.4 美国商业银行经营效率略论 32-33 3.2.5 德国商业银行经营效率略论 33-34 3.3 中美德商业银行经营效率的动态略论 34-37 4 中美德商业银行经营效率作用因素略论 37-41 4.2 措施 38 4.3 实证检验结果 38-39 4.4 实证回归结果略论 39-41 4.4.1 中国商业银行经营效率作用因素略论 39 4.4.2 美国商业银行经营效率作用因素略论 39 4.4.3 德国商业银行经营效率作用因素略论 39-40 4.4.4 中美德商业银行经营效率作用因素比较略论 40-41 5 提高中国商业银行经营效率的对策建议 41-44 5.1 进一步对国有商业银行进行股份制改革 41 5.2 降低不良贷款的比率 41-42 5.3 加快技术进步和金融创新的步伐 42 5.4 优化资产配置水平 42 5.5 优化银行资产规模 42-44 6 全文总结 44-46 参考文献 46-49 致谢 49 |