일본어권 한국어 학습자를 위한 억양 교육 방안 : 접속구 경계 운율구조를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The main purpose of this article is to study the characteristics of the intonation Korean language learners show in their utterance in the Japanese-language-use regions in the aspect of phonetics and is to provide practical and fundamental documents f...

The main purpose of this article is to study the characteristics of the intonation Korean language learners show in their utterance in the Japanese-language-use regions in the aspect of phonetics and is to provide practical and fundamental documents for the intonation education of Korean language as well. For this; I compared and analyzed conjunction phrase boundary prosodic structure shown on both Japanese learners of Korean language and Koreans through the method of acoustic phonetics, and based on the results from this, I suggested educational measures of the intonation of Korean language for the Japanese learners.In this study, I made experimental compound sentences which are connected with the five connection ending-words of ‘-고, -면, -서, -는데, -도’, where only Koreans and Japanese learners of Korean language should participate. And when it comes to the Japanese learners of Korean language, I categorized into three groups of elementary, middle and advance levels, based on the standard of Korean language educational center.In order to achieve such purpose, the study goes by the following orders.In chapter 1, from the viewpoint of Korean language education, I pointed out the purpose, necessity and range of the education of the intonation of Korean language and also reviewed major contents of the methods of researching intonation.In chapter 2, I looked over comprehensive theories of intonation such as the concept and functions of intonation, unit to be analyzed and forms of intonation and then comprehensively examined prosodic structures of Korean language and Japanese one in terms of phonetics, especially characteristics of the two languages in intonation.In chapter 3, in order to show differences between Koreans and Japanese learners of Korean language in realization of conjunction phrase boundary prosodic structure of the utterance of Korean language. And, I explained interviews, retrospection and surveys for investigating how much they feel difficulty in realizing Korean intonation and the degree of knowledge they have about the conjunction phrase boundary prosodic structure of Korean language.In chapter 4, based on the results and centered on fundamental frequency (Fo) and duration shown on the conjunction phrase, I analyzed the prosodic characteristics which Koreans and Japanese learners of Korean language have. Along with this, I analyzed comprehensively the effects of recognition or knowledge that Japanese learners of Korean language have about Korean intonation on forming their intonation and their correlation. From this, I identified the fact that Japanese learners of Korean language do not fully understand the syntactic functions of the compound sentence of Korean language and the long term of learning Korean language unexpectedly makes the effect of intonation enhancement worse.In chapter 5, based on the results of chapter 4, I suggested methods of the education of the intonation of Korean language for the Japanese learners of Korean language.In chapter 6, I revealed not only the conclusions of this article but its limits in addition to future tasks to be done.In this study, for the enhancement of the intonation proficiency of Korean language for the Japanese learners of Korean language and for their natural utterance of it, I provided basic materials. I think this study has a meaning in that Korean teachers could make use of this for their efficient teachings of Korean language by referring to statistic data, verified by the acoustic analysis program or diagrams of each Fo curve, derived from the results along with providing more concrete intonation correction measures.Even though it is not easy to systemize learning contents of the education of the intonation of Korean language, but this task is very important in a sense that Korean language is used as a means for communication instead of not just a combination of words or sentences. Therefore, the true meaning of the colloquial language, delivery of exact intentions of learners and proper intonation-use should be primarily considered when education of the intonation of Korean language.
