한국어 교육을 위한 {-겠-} 연구 : 중국인을 위한 한국어 교육 방안 모색을 위하여 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The goal for students of Korean is to have fluency and accuracy equal to that of a native speaker. To reach this goal, it is important to have broad understanding of the grammar that is expressed and understood in the daily lives of Koreans. This diss...

The goal for students of Korean is to have fluency and accuracy equal to that of a native speaker. To reach this goal, it is important to have broad understanding of the grammar that is expressed and understood in the daily lives of Koreans. This dissertation outlines the various meanings of {-겠-}. Chinese learners of Korean often have a difficult time distinguishing how and when to properly use {-겠-). Since the Chinese language has grammar used in ways similar to the Korean usage of {-겠-}, Chinese students often make the mistake of trying to understand the meaning of {-겠-} by directly translating it into their native language. For this reason, better methods for assisting Chinese students in understanding the concept of {-겠-} are required.
Data from the references cited in chapter 2 confirm that {-겠-} is used frequently in daily conversation. Korean education sources also confirm that {-겠-} is frequently covered in the early stages of Korean language education.
The following meanings for {-겠-} were pooled from the Korean lexical corpus and from several other Korean education sources. {-겠-} can variously mean: [assumption], [proximity], [will], [possibility], [expectation], [euphemism], [suggestion of evidence]. Most dictionaries list between two and six meanings for {-겠-}, and only four of the seven meanings covered in the Korean lexical corpus (i.e. [assumption], [will], [possibility], and [expectation]) are commonly taught to foreign learners. Instead of teaching foreign students of Korean only a few of the seven meanings of {-겠-}, all of its various meanings should be taught with the goal of increasing fluency.
Chapter 3 describes research performed in hopes of identifying which of the seven meanings of the {-겠-} infix have correlates in Chinese. In fact, there are Chinese correlates for three of the seven meanings: [assumption], [possibility] and [will]. In addition, an error analysis confirmed that without learning all of its meanings, students have a difficult time properly using the {-겠-} infix. Thus, it is necessary to specifically teach all seven meanings of {-겠-}.
Chapter 4 describes a curriculum specifically designed for Chinese students. The curriculum, based on this research, specifies the most effective teaching methods and the order in which they should be used for maximizing understanding. The specific order of the instruction sequence is based on both the frequency with which each grammatical term is used and its perceived difficulty. Frequency was based on usage ratios obtained from the Korean lexical corpus. Difficulty estimates for each grammatical construct were made based on whether or not each has a Chinese correlate and on the ease by which Chinese learners can recognize and comprehend each concept. A teaching model based on this order for instruction was produced to facilitate the teaching of {-겠-} in an actual classroom.
It is our hope that this research is ultimately helpful in aiding Chinese students of Korean in their quest for fluency. We also hope that this research introduces methods of teaching {-겠-} helpful to instructors specifically working with Chinese learners of Korean.
In addition, further investigation aimed at refining the educational strategies tailored specifically for Chinese learners of Korean is necessary and should follow this study.

韩国语学习者的最终目标是为了达到接近韩国人或者与韩国人具有同等水平的流畅 性和准确性。为了达到这样的目...

韩国语学习者的最终目标是为了达到接近韩国人或者与韩国人具有同等水平的流畅 性和准确性。为了达到这样的目标,首先要对韩国人的日常生活中所表现的语法形态 具有广泛的了解。学习韩国语的过程当中所发现的各种语法中,具有与汉语互相对应 的多种意义类型,反而会对中国人韩国语学习者带来一种语法上的混乱,该论文对其 中的一个语法要素“-겠-”的意义类型进行研究。
首先,在第二章通过对词汇资料的略论可以确认“-겠-”是在韩国人的日常生活 当中经常使用的语法形态。从韩国语教育资料当中也可以确认对“-겠-”的说明在学 习的初级阶段占据着相当大的比重。
通过词汇资料和韩国语教育资料获得的“-겠-”的意义类型和现场的韩国语教育 资料中反映的具体内容如下。首先,通过词汇资料所获得的“-겠-”的意义类型有 “推测”、“接近”、“意志”、“可能”、“预定”、“委婉”、“提示根据”等一 共7种。“-겠-”的7种意义类型在有的词典资料中提示了两种,有的提示了6种意义 类型。而在韩国语资料中只有“推测”、“意志”、“可能”、“预定”等几个项目 提示为语法项目。
通过词汇略论获得的7种意义类型并没有在韩国语教育资料中详细反映出来,鉴于 这种事实,笔者认为在未来的韩国语教育现场中应该积极讲授“-겠-”的多种意义类型。
在第三章确认了通过词汇略论所获得的7中意义类型是否具有与其对应的汉语词汇。结果,汉语词汇中准确对应的意义类型有“推测”、“可能”、“意志”这三个 类型。另外,为了确认韩国语教育现场中是否有必要细分“-겠-”的意义类型并具体 进行讲授,进行了病句略论。最终通过病句略论,可以了解到,在没有明确掌握“-겠-”的多种意义的情况下,容易出现混淆各个意义的“意义病句”现象。从而再次 确认到,确实有必要详细讲授“-겠-”的各种意义类型。
第四章,以上述内容为基础,为中国的学习者整理出了“-겠-”的各种意义类型 的语法提示顺序和注意事项。语法提示顺序是以'频度'和'难易度'为标准进行整理的。频度'以词汇资料中的比重为标准,'难易度'是通过对照略论获得的对应词汇和学习者的认知理解的容易程度来确定的。另外根据提示顺序,按照“-겠-”的意义,以教案 形式制作了能够在实际授课当中灵活运用的教授模型。
通过上述讨论,韩语论文范文,希望对培养灵活使用韩国语的中国人学习者有所帮助。再者,为了 培养这种学习者,希望在现场辛勤工作的教师提供“-겠-”的教授学习方向,从而在 其讲授过程中有所帮助。
