The current study aims to examine the effects of the Winners popping dance crew on the development of popping dance in Korea by analyzing the crew’s activities. To this aim, the current study reviewed the backgrounds of how pooping dance was first i...
The current study aims to examine the effects of the Winners popping dance crew on the development of popping dance in Korea by analyzing the crew’s activities. To this aim, the current study reviewed the backgrounds of how pooping dance was first introduced to Korea, how the education of popping dance has been developed in Korea and how its market has been expanded. The review also includes the background of how Korean and international dancers as well as the general public started acknowledging the value of popping dance, which consequently led popping dance to be considered as a solid genre in the field of art and culture. Based on the reiview, the current study analyzed how the Winners popping dance crew influenced each of the above mentioned backgrounds through their activities. Specifically, the current study extensively collected and analyzed relevant sources on the history and development of street dance including previous studies, press s, online resources, interviews on appropriate people in the field, performance pamphlets, and videos. The specific results are as follows.
The first result concerns what influences the Winners popping dance crew had on the development of popping dance education in Korea. The Winners popping dance crew established the mechanisms of the original popping dance styles (i.e., Boogaloo, wave, and animation styles) in Korea based on their years of exchange with master popping dancers who are the most influential pioneers and contributors worldwide. The Winners popping dance crew also played a significant role in building a foundation of wave and animation styles that was the mainstream when popping dance was first introduced and began to be popular in Korea. In addition, the result revealed that, Park Sungjin, the leader of the Winners crew, built a foundation for formal and systematic education of streetdance including popping, by opening the Winners dance studio in 2000, and by newly offering the degree programs at the university level including the first and still the only master’s program of street dance in Korea in the Kookmin University and the first doctoral program of street dance in the Sangmyung University which is currently planned to be launched in 2017.
The second result concerns the contributions that the Winners popping dance crew made on the expansion of the market for street dance arts and culture in Korea. The result revealed that the Winners popping dance crew played a major role in publicizing street dance including popping dance, both domestically and internationally, by holding international events such as Funk Stylers Battle and Korean-wave dance concerts. The result also revealed that the Winners popping dance crew paved the way for the general public to easily reach out to street dance including popping through various activities and accomplishments that include expanding the base of popping dance through academy education, appearance on media, performances, commercials, and a unique education program for idol celebrities who, though the program, mastered a decent level of street dance including popping.
The third result concerns how the Winners popping dance crew improved the perceived value on popping dance in Korea among domestic and international dancers as well as the general public. The result revealed that the workshops that the Winners popping dance crew has held for many years in collaborations and exchanges with master dancers improved numerous master dancers’ perceived value of popping dance in Korea. In addition, the result shows the Winners popping dance crew improved the perceived value of popping dance in Korea among domestic and international dancers and the general public, both directly by winning the numerous prestigious and world-renowned international competitions and indirectly by enhancing the status of popping dance in Korea through the media s on the abovementioned awards.
In summary, when it comes to popping dance in Korea, the current study concludes that the Winners popping dance crew had substantial influences on the development of education, the expansion of market, and the improvement of perceived value. It is also expected that the Winners popping dance crew will continue to contribute to the development of popping dance as well as the field of art and culture of street dance in Korea, who already has been playing a pivotal role in the development of popping dance in Korea. It should be noted, however, that the focus of the current study is limited to the development of one specific genre of street dance among many others, i.e., popping, and also limited to one specific organization, i.e., the Winners popping dance crew, among many other potential influences on the development of popping dance. In analyzing the explanatory factors for the development of popping dance in Korea, the focus of the current study was limited to three aspects, i.e., the development of education, market expansion, and perceived value, each of which was analyzed at the macro level. Therefore, the current study suggests that future studies need specifically and continuously to analyze the development of a wide range of street dance in depth, and to include various and specific explanatory factors for the development of popping dance in Korea from various angles.
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