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공유리더십의 선행요인과 성과변수에 대한 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Researchers have gradually raised their interests in the studies of shared leadership to find answers about whether a situation where a leader exists in an organization is desirable or a situation where more than two leaders coexist in an organization is desirable. The study comprehensively presented a theoretical model for antecedents of shared leadership, its influence on outcome variables and moderators and then empirically verified it. In other words, the study set coaching from a boss as an antecedent, and organizational commitment as an outcome variable. It also set productive energy as a mediating factor between shared leadership and outcome variables and innovative organizational culture as a moderator. A theoretical study was carried out, and then a research model and a hypothesis were set based on it. To verify the research hypothesis, the study conducted a survey targeting 522 employees- that is, 3 employees each from 174 branches of a financial institution. The study used gender, educational background, position, years of service, and department, etc. as control variables. The study conducted an exploratory factor analysis to analyze the reliability of measurement items in the survey, and conducted a reliability analysis through Cronbach’s alpha. As a result, it was considered that measurement items used in this study had both validity and reliability. As a result of a correlation analysis between variables and dependent variables, all variables showed a statistically significant correlation in terms of their relevance. In this study, analysis of variance, regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical analysis were used to verify the research hypothesis. In the result on the influence of coaching, it showed a hypothesis that coaching might have a positive correlation with shared leadership and productive energy was accepted, and it also suggested that coaching had a direct association with organizational commitment. However, it was indicated that coaching did not have a significant impact on recognized financial performances. In the result on the influence of shared leadership, it showed that shared leadership had a positive correlation with productive energy. It was also indicated that shared leadership had a positive impact on both organizational commitment and a recognized financial performance. Also, productive energy had a positive impact on performances (both organizational and financial). In the research outcome on a mediating effect of shared leadership and productive energy, it was indicated that in a relationship between coaching and productive energy, a mediating effect on shared leadership had a complete mediation, and in a relationship between coaching and organizational performance, shared leadership had a partial mediation. However, in a relationship between coaching and recognized financial performance, a mediation effect of shared leadership was not accepted. It meant that coaching only had a direct effect on recognized financial performances. In the research outcome on a mediating effect of productive energy, it was indicated that in a relationship between coaching and organizational performance, a mediating effect on productive energy had a partial mediation, and in a relationship between coaching and recognized financial performance, the mediation effect was not accepted due to productive energy. In a relationship between coaching and organizational performance, a mediating effect had a complete mediation due to productive energy, and a mediating effect between shared leadership and recognized financial performance was not accepted. In a relationship between coaching and performance, a mediating effect of shared leadership and productive energy was not accepted. It was indicated that organizational culture played a role as a controller when it had an impact on the relationship between shared leadership and productive energy. The research outcomes indicated that it is necessary to find antecedents and parameters of shared leadership and to identify the effect of shared leadership extensively using a variety of dependent variables. To clarify the effect of coaching and identify it in an objective way, it is necessary to review empirical studies on coaching programs and set clear measurement indicators. In the future, it will be necessary to conduct research on the indicator of financial performances that are consequence variables by using performance variables in various ways.
