인포그래픽을 활용한 안전매뉴얼 그래픽 스타일 연구 : 지진을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Although there have always been safety issues around us, recent incidents caused by insensitivity toward safety have fomented anxiety about social safety, further demoralizing the overall atmosphere of society. Along with the government’s irresponsi...

Although there have always been safety issues around us, recent incidents caused by insensitivity toward safety have fomented anxiety about social safety, further demoralizing the overall atmosphere of society. Along with the government’s irresponsible responses, there were accidents that happened because nobody knew the safety manual properly in emergency situations, as well as unfortunate accidents that happened on account of lack of safety information. The disasters and accidents that took place in Korea in recent years have further raised the issue of safety, and the difference in position between citizens and government agencies has not shown any sign of agreement, but rather the distrust and conflict in society have increased. Although interest in safety has increased, there has been no change in our awareness of safety and negligent attitude; rather we are accustomed to shifting the responsibility to others. In this situation, citizens are searching the Internet for safety information and manuals to obtain necessary information. At the time of the earthquake in Gyeongju that broke out in September 2016, there were innumerable phone calls from people to inquire about safety manuals for earthquakes. On SNS such as Twitter and Facebook, real-time earthquake situation s and safety information were shared faster than information from government agencies, and there was huge criticism about the delayed response of The Ministry of Public Safety and Security. This study started with the intention of seeking solutions through a design approach by observing the social demands of the safety manual which is closely related to safety issues. In order to infer the causes of citizens’ inability to know the contents and providers of safety manuals, it was necessary to examine and analyze the current forms and transmission methods of the safety manual information. This study analyzed the types of safety manual information provided by government agencies including the Ministry of Public Safety and Security, the representative safety agency in Korea, and examined how information was delivered to citizens. The result shows that there are contents of safety manuals that are not relevant to the current situation, and as for graphics, it has been found that the same illustrations have been used for 17 years without modification. The form of information was mainly focused on text-oriented information delivery. Due to the nature of the safety information, the dense screen resembling the insurance contract terms along with the formal and strict style of writing was making the viewer lose interest in the safety manual. The analysis led to the conclusion that it is needed to redesign the safety manual. According to a study by Dr. Robert Horn of Stanford University, memories combined with images are remembered by people for a longer period of time by 89%. The fatigue of modern people living in the flood of information explains why infographics have been attracting attention and developing rapidly. Infographics have been playing a great role in helping people who are tired of overflowing information to get information quickly and easily, and to intuitively select necessary information even among the flood of information. In addition, when information is transmitted by utilizing graphic design elements, the effect of information becomes greater. In terms of interest, infographics have the advantages that cannot be acquired through the use of text alone. Since the information content of the safety manual is intended to induce actions to secure safety in dangerous moments, it is difficult to transmit accurate information by text alone. In order to provide correct guidelines for actions, it is necessary to show the action in terms of graphics so that intuitive and quick understanding is possible. In this regard, infographics are useful for redesigning safety manuals. When the types of infographics were divided according to the contents, there was no type to which the safety manual could belong. For this reason, we had to add the type of ‘action manual based infographics’ that deals with manuals that lead to actions. In reconstructing information rather than simply listing information, infographics have features that are different from general information. Reconstruction is an the essential aspect of a narrative, and the narrative has a similar structure in that it reconstructs the raw story into the form of a discourse. Therefore, this study carries out a graphic research to design anew the formal and boring safety manual through the method of infographic design and the composition of a narrative. The contents of the safety manual are based on what The Ministry of Public Safety and Security provides. This study examined previous studies to evaluate and analyze the information features of the safety manual and the appropriate colors and graphic styles, and applied the results to the final design. The earthquake safety manual that was designed in this study is aimed at inducing awareness and interest in safety rather than at quick access in an emergency situation. Therefore, this study focuses on proposing the earthquake safety manual in combination with the narrative so that it triggers public interest. In an emergency situation, concise and clear infographics are needed, but in order to learn and provoke interest in safety information in everyday life, some entertaining and amusing elements must be added. Regarding the selection of the research topic, the range of safety manuals was so extensive that it was necessary to select a topic by narrowing it down. Since the earthquake that occurred in Gyeongju in September this year was appropriate for the purpose of this study, it was selected as the final research topic. The format and type of the final design were determined according to the format of posts that can be posted on the SNS, which can be shared and disseminated easily and quickly on mobile devices or on the web. Snack culture, one of the trends to consume and share information quickly and easily, is becoming popular nowadays. Common types of promotions or news s today utilize card news or moving images in gif format. The final design was influenced by this trend. A variety of approaches should be considered to help improve the awareness of safety by designing existing information and changing it in accordance with new cultural trends. The police science dictionary, which defines the nature of the disaster, summarizes that the disasters in modern society have characteristics of being daily routines, heteronomy, anonymity, uncertainty, and insensitivity to safety. Because safety and risk are always around us, we should be familiar with safety information and safety manuals in our daily life. There were many dangerous situations so far, but the actions against them were not always the worst. There are many cases in which one person’s wise response secured safety in a disaster situation. The more people who know the safety manual properly, the safer society will be possible. We hope that even if a disaster occurs, we will be able to cope with it wisely and recover trust in our society. We expect that this study will contribute to further research on safety manuals from the perspective of design so that we could live in a safer society.
