다문화 가정을 위한 교회의 역할 : 국제결혼을 통해 이주한 동남아 여성을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study examined mainly Southeast Asian women who migrated through international marriage among multicultural families. First, this study was to examine a basic understanding of Southeast Asian migrant women and cause of their difficulties and sugg...

This study examined mainly Southeast Asian women who migrated through international marriage among multicultural families. First, this study was to examine a basic understanding of Southeast Asian migrant women and cause of their difficulties and suggest the direction what church should do for them based on teachings of the Bible and the Church for multicultural families. Chapter 1 examined the concept of multicultural families, flow of international marriage in Korean history and Koreans’ awareness of marriage immigrant women. As a result, it can be seen that today in Korea, the breadth of understanding and definition for multicultural families is not wide and support targets for multicultural families vary depending on the perspective of each group. It could be also seen that the majority of marriage migration observed in recent 10 years was conducted between Korean men and Southeast Asian women. Today, sudden increase in international marriage and gradual decrease and following numerous divorces were similar to ‘an international marriage phenomenon between US Armed Forces in Korea and Korean women in the 1950s-1970s in Korea’ and it was found that Koreans' awareness of international marriage is still negative. Chapter 2 examined the causes of the difficulties experienced by Southeast Asian migrant women families by classifying them into a ‘macroscopic level’ and ‘microscopic level’. A notion of preferring a son to a daughter in Korea and resulting abortion led to ‘the phenomenon of a high male to female ratio’ and phenomenon of 'commercialization of women' due to life neglect. In addition, the number of single women increased due to the spread of gender equality concept in Korean society and change in values according to globalization. It can be seen that this led to the phenomenon that many Korean men cannot marry because they cannot find their spouse and international marriage ended up being an alternative means not a purpose. In this reality, ‘feminization of migration’ and 'commercialization of women' were made as migrant women in economically vulnerable countries select international marriage with Korean men to get out of poverty. Therefore, it was found that migrant women have difficulties because marriage is made by various environmental factors rather than being made through deep love between men and women. Furthermore, it was found that they realistically suffer from difficulties by various causes such as ‘confusing changes in government policy’, ‘government assimilation policy trying to unilaterally infuse Korean culture while ignoring personality as a person’, ‘unethical commercial behavior of international marriage broker’, ‘patriarchal unethical attitude of Korean men’ etc. Chapter 3 examined the teachings of the Bible and the Church for these multicultural families. Through this, it can be seen that church should accept all migrants as the same brothers, not strangers totally different from locals. It can be also seen that Jesus Christ had always lived the life of a stranger from birth to death and was heading toward God's kingdom. As shown above, all Christians are another 'stranger' living while constantly moving toward the kingdom of God. Therefore, the obligation of Christians in Korean society is to welcome immigrants with hospitality and love. Going around various places, Jesus Christ welcomed everyone including ‘poor person’, ‘stranger’ with hospitality and love. This showed that the act of Jesus Christ toward strangers is the ideal that Catholic Church needs to practice towards multicultural families today. Based on this understanding, Chapter 4 examined the role of church for multicultural families. First, this study analyzed projects and activities of Catholic Church and multicultural family support organizations and examined the direction church should go based on the analysis. As multicultural families increase rapidly in Korean society, government support policies are also increasing. However, government support policies are changing through constant trial and error, causing confusion in multicultural families. Performance-oriented program operation of support organizations under the government was also presented as a problem. While accepting some of the government policies, some churches conduct their own programs and sometimes Catholic Support Center and parish church are working in conjunction with each other. Through this comparative analysis of government support organizations and Church activities, this study reached a conclusion that it is important for church to respect multicultural families as a personality by recognizing them as one brother with whom we must live together rather than understanding them as performance-oriented or unilateral support target and make an environment where they can be self-reliant at the same time. To this end, this study were to present the directivity of church for multicultural families in the future by examining more specific roles of parish and parish churches. Especially, the link between Catholic Church support organizations and local parish churches for multicultural families is the most important part in the migration mission. It can be seen that a local parish church should prepare a place for sacrament for multicultural families and friendship with locals in this solidarity. Through these roles of churches, multicultural families and Koreans can be harmonized in one parish community and lead a life of faith as one community naturally.
