일본 식생활교육정책(食育政策)의 현황 분석 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

In Japan, the nation expressed the will to systemize and to guide in general dietary life that let each individual control in the past, as national crisis for health was growing, increasing of children's obesity, the number of aged people, nurse neede...

In Japan, the nation expressed the will to systemize and to guide in general dietary life that let each individual control in the past, as national crisis for health was growing, increasing of children's obesity, the number of aged people, nurse needed people and these causes were pointed to the bad eating habits, the lack of knowledge of food, and the lack of education system, In those social mood, the fundamental law for eating had been established under the command of prime ministry in 2006, whish is enforced by five years. the first (2006∼2010), the second (2011∼2015), and now the third (2016∼2020) is on. The aim of third plan is to secure the connection of the goal of policy and practical article which was regarded as unsatisfied in the first and second plan and to make all local governments to set up same goal. And also, main subject of the third is to diversify the fool life leaded by the young and to inherit the fool culture concerned with healthy extension of life span and the cycle of and environment of food. Our country had finished the first master plan of dietary life education(2010∼2014) which is based on the support for dietary life education Act established in 2009 and the second plan(2015∼2019) is on now. Japanese content of the fundamental law for eating is noticeable as two countries have similar food material, recipe, food culture, type and role of family, social environment. The purpose of the dietary life policy is pan-national campaign which lead each national people to have and to fulfill the proper knowledge of food life and to make estimation of individual dietary life so that people from the young to the old live healthy, rich, long life, and the nation dimension, to reduce the medical expenses and to preserve social human resources which is called the reconsideration of effectiveness of societal cost. Dietary life is not only about the behavior of eating but also about health, food environment, agricultural food producing, and food culture, so the government ministry associated food life must present the consistent direction of dietary life to have people believe and follow. Japanese fundamental plan for eating that had been preceded 4years earlier than our master plan of dietary life education seems to be much valued to be studied to set up the direction of our master plan of dietary life education to secure development of policy and future oriented directional nature. During the research, we have found that the most important point for the policy of food life is the consistency and effectiveness.
