초미학과 현대미술 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

While everything is artistic today and art becomes generalized, the criteria to determine if it’s art or not becomes unclear. In contemporary art, even the most mundane and the most obscene are discussed aesthetically and the distinction between ...

While everything is artistic today and art becomes generalized, the criteria to determine if it’s art or not becomes unclear. In contemporary art, even the most mundane and the most obscene are discussed aesthetically and the distinction between aesthetic and non-aesthetic is disappearing. In the artistic theory of Baudrillard, a phenomenon where the boundary between aesthetic and non-aesthetic collapses today so that the judgement of aesthetic value is blurred and aesthetic value is in trouble, has been called ‘transaesthetics’. Somehow, it seems that the category of aesthetic loses its specificity and re-absorb itself in other categories. Thus, as Baudrillard said, "When everything becomes an aesthetic, nothing is more beautiful or ugly and art itself disappears.” This paradoxical state represents the sign of postmodern movement at the level of art. At the same time, it tries to deny itself due to excess and expansion beyond its limits. In particular, from the viewpoint of Baudrillard, postmodernity is the age of hyperrealism in which reality itself disappears, and postmodern art reveals the transaesthetic phenomenon of simulations, as postmodern society liberated from reality produces more real than reality. In the simulacra era where there is no distinction between the original and the reproduction, the arts are all but nothing, as conflicts such as beauty and ugly, real and fake, art and everyday life, etc. disappear. The Baudrillard's apocalyptic ritual for contemporary art is based on the pessimism on today's such flood of aesthetic and the art of excess. The purpose of this study is to consider the transaesthetics which occurs in in a situation where everything is aesthetic today as an important concept to understand the trend of contemporary art and discuss how contemporary art realizes transaesthetization and the issue of the status and value of contemporary art through this transaesthetics. When it comes to the main analysis of this , while contemporary art in the late 20th century is reviewed as an issue, object art where deals with sings of transaesthetics in the developing process from modern art to postmodern art is mainly discussed. Especially, signs of transaesthetics in contemporary art could be found in Duchamp's Ready Made which is called the full-scale starting signal of object art. While Duchamp's ready made is deeply involved in the artistic development of the 1960s, especially, it has an important meaning as a source of minimalism, pop art, and conceptual art. In that sense, the connection between Duchamp's ready-made which provides an important turning point in postmodern and contemporary art in the late 20th century is reviewed. Although transaesthetic phenomenon is considered to be a general feature of contemporary art, this study reviews transaesthetic aspects through the pop art and minimalism of the 1960s and the neo-geo and neo-pop art of the 1980s. Through this, it can be understood on how contemporary art is involved in culture and life and exists by analyzing how transaesthetic phenomena appears and changes in contemporary art. The works that a series of artists from pop art, minimalism and neo-geo and neo-pop art are simulacrum of capitalist consumer society and at the same time, they can be cases of disproving the fact that they become transaesthetic as their arts become commonplace and worthless. From a transaesthetic point of view, contemporary art is no longer able to explain art by its beauty or artistic expression. The value of art has become ambiguous and unclear because of the liberation of aesthetic concepts. Tracing contemporary art back and forth through transaesthetics will be a meaningful work where the crisis of contemporary art is discussed in a painful question, ‘what is art?’ as well as the present situation of contemporary art can be discussed.
