공유숙박 잠재적 이용자의 이용동기와 인지된 위험이 열망과 이용의도에 미치는 영향 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The sharing economy, which has been occured to the world by the global economic crisis that began in the United States in 2008, was presented as a solution to the complex social problems such as low employment growth and household income. As developme...

The sharing economy, which has been occured to the world by the global economic crisis that began in the United States in 2008, was presented as a solution to the complex social problems such as low employment growth and household income. As development of Web 2.0 and ICT have evolved sharing economies’ to be a global trend; the sharing economy users are increasing at an extremely fast rate especially in relation to the tourism and hospitality industry. Despite such growth, not-yet users still outweigh the users by far. Therefore, this study aims at apprehending decision-making processes of people who never experienced sharing economy, in particular Airbnb. A survey methodology was implemented on the ground of Model of Goal-directed Behavior that is to widely adopted to understand one’s decision-making process. In addition, since all the transactions only appears on online, this study added a concept of risks that can be transpirable, divided into platform risk and host risk. The result indicates that positive/negative anticipated emotion, subjective norm and attitude positively affects the intention to use Airbnb via desire. In respect of perceived risks, platform risk influences host risk and desire; host risk influences intention to use Airbnb. Finally, this study explicates how our approach improves the understanding of the potential sharing economy market. First, the theoretical implications of this study are as follows: In this study, we focused on the potential sharing economic market, understanding factors that affecting people’s decision-making process, and the differential impact of each factors. This study also contributed to strengthening the existing theory by apprehending decision-making process of potential consumers based on the Model of Goal-directed Behavior(MGB). In addition, we have improved the overall model explanatory power by distinguishing perceived risk as platform risk and host risk, which is appropriate to understand psychology of consumers on hospitality industry. This new research model would be used as a basic data for conducting research related to the sharing economy or Airbnb. As a practical implication, it is necessary to secure positive attitude in order to convert non-sharing economic users into users in the near future. To do this, it would be more efficient if one shows the way of using the Airbnb when making reservation on accommodation among various travel programs. In addition, if users on the Airbnb post and share their experiences to online and offline, many others would notice about diverse information on the Airbnb, and considers as their accommodation site when planning their travel. Besides, the Airbnb accommodations are more located in the outskirts of the city rather than the downtown area. Through this, the marketing strategy could be more emphasizing on communication with the local residents. This will further maximize the anticipated emotion of potential sharing economy users. It is also necessary to manage how well the Airbnb platform itself guarantees the consumers’ privacy, and how well its price is determined. If Airbnb adopts more objective validity criterion to guarantee their host, consumers would become more trustworthy and credible toward their host and the platform.
