중국 포맷 교역 TV 프로그램의 혼종성에 관한 연구 : 동방위성TV 중국 달인 쇼, 후난위성TV 아빠 어디가 프로그램 비교분석 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics and meaning of the international format program in Chinese television by employing the concept of 'hybridity'. Specifically, this study pays attention to the particular local feature showed in the localization process of the format program.
For the purposes, text analysis to the original program <Britain's Got Talent> and the format program <China's Got Talent>, text analysis to the original program Korea's <Dad! Where are we going?> and the format program China's <Dad, Where are we going?>, are also conducted.
The overseas program which already obtained popularity or was verified was brought to China and remanufactured for the local experiences and sentiments. This study intends to examine how the localization changes form in the process of local remanufacturing. Concretely, this study compares the similarities and differences of the form and construction method between the original program and the format program.
As the result, the form of the local version is mostly identical to the original version's, particularly in their visual expression. However, by contrast, from the aspect of construction method, the local version reveals major different specificities that are of the relationship of characters and the story line. It proves that a transnational media product as a globalized culture is localized and re-localized rather than homogenized even though it adapts global format as a standard. When an international TV format is imported to China, it is necessary to localize the original format in accordance to Chinese cultural speciality and the cultural taste of audience. The global standards of the format is blended with the local cultural particularities, historical experience and sentiments by the localization process, and thus reproduce the original format into a cultural hybrid product.
This study could be significant to the aspects of industry and culture from the format trade as the local cultural particularities of the format program is analyzed in the perspective of 'hybridity'. The format program as a hybrid version consists of both global and local characteristics, and it cannot be described by the view of cultural imperialism. In a notion of globalization, hybridity can be discussed as the keyword to international format distribution and adaptation.
