最近几年来,被翻译为中文出书的韩国图书日趋增多,而翻译的质量和后果成绩也遭到了人们的留意。适应这一趋向,韩语论文范文,有关韩中翻译的研究日渐增多,研究的核心和条理都出现了多元化的特色。而现有的研究年夜都集中在从说话学或比较说话学的角度评论辩论韩汉宾语的对应关系,韩语毕业论文,从翻译的角度,特殊是从翻译理论动身,考核宾语的转换情形的论文还为数不多。笔者在攻读研究生的两年时代,介入了5本韩国图书的汉译任务。个中,韩中翻译中的成份变更的成绩,特别是宾语的变更成绩惹起了笔者的存眷。不管在韩语里照样在汉语中,宾语作为“主谓宾”三年夜成份的一轴,其在句子中的位置和感化无须赘言。在翻译进程中,宾语的懂得和处置对于准确懂得原文、精确转达句意起着非常主要的感化。韩汉语分属分歧的语系,汉语属于“SVO"型说话,而韩语的表达习气则为“SOV”;汉语属于孤立语,语义的表达、句中的成份常常由语序来决议,而韩语属于黏着语,语序的变更对于语义表达和成份变更作用不年夜。两国的语序、对宾语的界说有所分歧,是以在将韩语译为汉语的进程中,为了包管译文的质量,到达切近译文读者说话习气的后果,有时会涌现将宾语转换成其他成份的情形。本文拔取了笔者曾介入翻译的两本贸易图书作为剖析样本,考核韩语原文中的宾语在译为汉语以后产生了哪些变更,并依照变更后的情形停止了分类和总结剖析。样天职析成果注解,韩语的宾语在翻译为汉语后涌现了转换为主语、谓语、状语、定语的情形,个中,转换为主语、谓语、状语的情形较多,转为定语的情形绝对较少。鉴于小我说话作风及对原文的懂得会涌现千差万其余情形,翻译者在翻译进程中可以依据须要采用分歧的战略处置宾语,使译文更切近“信、达、雅”的尺度。 Abstract: In recent years, translated books of Chinese Korean books is increasing day by day, and the quality and performance have been people's attention. To adapt to this trend, growing on Korean Chinese translation research, research the core and organized appeared diversified characteristics. And the existing research has focused in correspondence from learning to speak or is learning to speak of, the thesis comments on the debate between Chinese and Korean object, from the perspective of translation, especially from the start of the theory of translation, conversion of appraisal object the for the few. The author in the two years of graduate study, involved in the translation of 5 korean books task. Chinese, Korean translation components in the change results, especially the object change problems the author's concern. No matter in Korean still in Chinese, the object as "SVO" the eve of the three components of a shaft, their position and role in the sentence needless to say. In the process of translation, the object of the understanding and disposal of accurate understanding of the original, the exact meaning of the sentence has played a very important role. Korean and Chinese belong to different language families. Chinese is "SVO" type language, and the expression of Korean habit for "SOV"; Chinese is an isolated language, semantic expression, sentence components often by word order to resolution, and Korean is an agglutinative language, the change of word order of semantic representation and composition change effects of is not big. The order of the two countries, the object definition differs somewhat, to the Korean translation in the process of Chinese, in order to ensure the translation quality, arrived at the closest target readers speaking habits of the consequences, sometimes will emerge object into other ingredients. In this , we select the author was involved in the translation of the book trade as analysis samples, assessment of Korean text object in the target for Chinese later produced what change, and according to the change of situations a classification and summary analysis. Sample analysis results annotations, Korean object in the translation for Chinese emerged conversion as subject, predicate, adverbial, attributive, medium, conversion as subject, predicate, adverbial situation more, less case attribute. In view of the small talk and style of the original understanding will emerge thousands of poor million in the rest of the case, the translator in the translation process can scale according to the need of the different disposal strategy object, to make the translation more proximate "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance". 目录: 中文摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 目录 7-8 1 绪论 8-11 1.1 探讨背景 8 1.2 文献综述 8-9 1.3 探讨措施和内容 9-11 2 韩汉宾语的定义及特点 11-14 2.1 韩汉宾语的定义 11-12 2.2 韩汉宾语的特点 12-14 3 宾语在韩汉翻译中的变化 14-23 3.1 宾语变化为主语 14-16 3.2 宾语变化为谓语 16-19 3.3 宾语变化为状语 19-21 3.4 宾语变化为定语 21-23 4 结论 23-25 参考文献 25-26 致谢 26-27 |