
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Hualong () was established on December 20, 2000, a news office of the State Council agreed to set up the first batch of provincial key news website, by Chongqing Municipal Committee of the CPC Publicity Department, Chongqing daily news group, Chongqing city state-owned cultural assets management limited liability company, Chongqing Radio and TV Group (total) as a shareholder to jointly build is set digital news, broadcast, TV, network, mobile phone news, microblogging, micro channel, LED outdoor, magazines and other "nine media in one" Chongqing's first full media website. DragonSoft news section in addition to the Chinese but also other opened English, Japanese, Russian, French, Korean, Spanish, etc. six foreign language channels. Translator in the big three coincides with the Hualong opening Korean edition piece, the translator place of Korean professional and Hualong net fixing collaboration, by our department Mr. served as the site's content translation (in Korea). Meantime the translator as the translation history, food and other sections, after the channel officially launched and classmates as daily news translation. Later in the Graduate School in the future to continue to serve as a stop to stop the site in a timely manner to the news. From the Hualong translation when select the (Korean) translation of 11600 words of your original (in Chinese) and 16000 words your writing this . An important part of Hualong Korean news network channel covering politics, economy, history, content and other aspects of the livelihood of the people. Because the Chinese translation into Korean, and covers the content of the scale is too wide, there are many professional touch the contents and its annual night, three translators feel very hard, often feel inadequate. Thanks to our professional students translation correction revised, to ensure the quality of translation. To graduate in the future, along with the translation degree promotion, summarize the problems in translation, translation is more and more easily. In stopping processes are compared for the content and Mr. correction, reflection, study the many effective experiences, to professional training to good effect.


摘要 6 朝鲜文摘要 7-8 致谢 8-11 第一章 引言 11-13 1.1 项目背景 11 1.2 项目目标 11 1.3 项目意义 11-12 1.4 报告结构 12-13 第二章 原文背景 13-15 2.1 原文简介 13-14 2.1.1 主要内容 13 2.1.2 原文略论 13-14 2.2 小结 14-15 第三章 翻译难点与翻译措施 15-20 3.1 翻译难点 15 3.2 准备工作 15-16 3.2.1 全面把握原文 16 3.2.2 确定翻译策略 16 3.3 翻译措施 16-20 3.3.1 词量增减 16-17 3.3.2 加注 17-18 3.3.3 句子成分转换 18 3.3.4 动词合并 18-20 第四章 总结 20-22 4.1 翻译经验 20 4.2 翻译教训 20-21 4.3 仍待解决的问题 21-22 参考文献 22-23 附录1 原文 23-41 附录2 译文 41-72
