
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The cognitive talk as a starting point, basic theory, to Korean novels "(?)" the Chinese translation of "whale" emerging "deduce, will" method as the research object, and summarized the shape of translation translation emerges for familiar with translation, discusses the purpose of the study of this thesis. Initially, for vigorous method corresponding to the above Korean, Chinese books, shelter in cognitive translation practice to analyze the cognitive translation scene. Translation genre now ", omission, omission" and three kinds of shapes, which leads to cognitive translation of the eve of the six characteristics: experience, each other alternately, invention, integrity, coordination, two position. Translation is the author and the reader, the translator between the three mutual growth and interaction products. This view was confirmed again.


外文摘要   9-11   摘要   11-12   附录   13-14   目录   14-16   正文   16-83   参考文献   83-87   附件   87-112  
