
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Korean because its cohesive language mantissa orders the vast, the Chinese students in learning Korean and teachers in Korean to teach in the process encountered many difficulties. Special is cohesive suffix "(?" due to its vast and numerous usage, not only the students in the learning process more doubtful points, teachers in the teaching process also feel very tricky. Hope this article through analysis learner sentences to be used in the process of cohesion suffix "(?) / (?)" make trouble, speak know learning learners in the process of the difficulty and weakness, and through the process of control science knowledge, knowledge of grammar and second language acquisition theory knowledge to provide learners with learning guidance, at the same time, with the help of teaching method about the actual, to teacher of grammar teaching supply certain reference views. The specific process described below: the first chapter is the introduction of the Department, this research content involves the goal, the category of coherent Institute of literature and research methods to stop thinking. Research methods in detail including the research object, research object, research methods and the research process briefly. The second chapter important with the results of other scholars of cohesive suffix "(?) / (?)" stop the noumenon of grammar study of grammatical features describe. The angle of description (including lexical, syntactic shape theory) (traditional rhetoric), meaning (meaning) and restricted by word meaning differences under the rules (syntax constraints). On the convergence of ending "(?) / (?)" description of the grammatical features will become the main sentence can have mistakenly concluded that the scale. In the third chapter, the author will collect sentence stop detailed fault analysis. First on the problems and differences in out of errors, and discuss problems analysis of the actual background; secondly on the collection of sentences stop problems actually recognized, then the problems from three angles of the morphology (shape), syntax (traditional rhetoric), similar endings mixed stop classification, a detailed analysis of each kind of wrong and the wrong stop modification, comprehensive analysis of fault reason. In the fourth chapter, the will to fault analysis results for the separation from the students and teachers from two angles to discuss guidance plan for learning and teaching, the first examples of a lesson plan according to and the starting point. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of this paper sector, summed up the contents of this thesis, and points out that the local and the lack of the research to back bias.


摘要   2-3   Abstract   3-4   目录   5-8   正文   8-56   参考文献   56-58   附录   58-62  
