
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


WTO is a world trade organization that serves the world's commercial and economic order, and its principle is to complete the world trade liberalization through the process of market openness, non contempt and fair trade principles. What, then, with the growth of the economy and the relationship between the country and the country's increasingly close, pure WTO to complete and bind the country's commercial approach has not been unable to meet the needs of the countries, another kind of double light and revenue more significant international regional cooperation mechanism step by step, this is the free trade agreement, referred to as FTA. Commercial collaboration method about this kind of old style, although big on the appraise of divergent, however reality, it has become between country and country in the new period the business dealings of the important means. At present, European countries have basically completed the regional economic integration, at the same time, the United States, Japan, China, India and other countries with different economic system is also accelerating the signing of FTA measures with other countries. South Korea is a country with a high degree of dependence on foreign business, it is very important to sign the FTA with other countries. So far, South Korea and Chile, Singapore, the European Union, ASEAN, India, Peru, the United States signed the FTA, and has begun to implement, and Turkey signed FTA has completed. Not only that, Korea and Canada, Mexico, the Persian Gulf, Australia Leah, New Zealand, Columbia, China's FTA is also in consultation with the signing of Japan's FTA also included in the scale of the scale of. In South Korea all the FTA partner, with the United States FTA collaboration on South Korea is concerned, is the most important, but also the most controversial. All along, Korea and the United States no matter from the political, economic and so on have a close contact. But because of the difference between the two countries in some areas of the level of growth, and the two countries are more involved in the FTA category, so the FTA in South Korea caused a lot of controversy in the international. In all areas, agriculture has always been a top priority of the two countries' debate, and the signing of FTA's concerns about the impact of South Korea's agriculture. While South Korea is currently in the United States to adhere to a larger range of trade in and out of the surplus, but in agriculture, South Korea's serious trade deficit with the United states. South Korea's agricultural capital scarcity, cultivated area is gradually reduce, the agricultural population aging phenomenon is serious, the international agricultural product birth cannot satisfy the demand, the agricultural product important export-oriented. But the United States is a country of agriculture, each year the amount of agricultural exports is very large, and the quality of agricultural products is very high. In with the United States agricultural product business competition, South Korea want to occupy a place, in addition to the authorities in a short period of time need to give farmers financial subsidies outside, the most important still agricultural progress itself competitive, and improving agricultural military constitution.

