
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The narrative form is the relationship between the narrator and the story. Because the narrator always to readers open plot, describing the characters and of the fictional world make about emotions, thoughts and value judgment, so the narrator always uses a kind of method in this story. Vertical elegance and narrative of the antecedent research, many studies at home in establishing itself to the actual form, although there are many differences in the details, but on the whole are coincide with will narrative time, narrative space, narrative point of view, these three aspects in his sights. Korean modern novel in the narrative time simply take connection discussion of "one person, one on behalf of the mind", in narrative space absolutely take the non real space, in narrative point of view simply taken omniscient universal perspective. This traditional novel narrative form, in the end of nineteenth Century, was hit by the Oriental Literature in the end of twentieth Century, and in a series of "dialogue" process, the positive transplantation of foreign novels and the invention of the traditional literature form, and with the promotion of the Korean novel in the form of a change in the form of. South Korea's new novel from the content down to see, the bulge is civilized, new teaching, the abolition of scientific topics such as; from the structural point of view, the new novel is from the traditional novels to the modern novel process of change, a connecting link between the preceding and the following, connecting past and present the main effect. But according to the first study materials of the present invention Korea researchers often Nianye sector spirit into the materials in the collection and enumeration, is the actual depth is not enough. It is in this paper will be to narrative study theory as the guidance, through a process of intensive reading of the text and the original code empirical, system and comprehensive outline of the change of South Korea's new novel narrative form. This paper is divided into six sections. The first chapter is the introduction, important to clarify that this thesis studies some basic issues, including research object, scale and the goal and the significance, research status, research theory and method. The second chapter is about the "internal research" of the novel narrative form of South Korea's new narrative form, from South Korea's modern social civilization, South Korea's modern novels, the change of the modern novels and the characteristics of the text. The third chapter is about the change of the narrative time of South Korea's new novel. There is a close relationship between narrative time and narrative time in the novel, which is based on the need of the work day. Such as the omission of narrative time, stay, stacking, etc.. Such time form adequately represents the process of the change of characters, and the character and fate of the characters, especially the aesthetic consequences. The fourth chapter is about the change of the narrative space of the South Korean new novel. In the novel, time and space are interdependent, and put into a friend. Any individual thought and group action must be stopped in a detailed space, space can be said to be the location of our behavior and cognition; conversely, space is also necessary to be perceived and applied, the ability to become a living space, ability to enter the meaning and emotion category. South Korea's new novel by the superimposition of different space-time ostentation and extravagance or compared to get a special beauty, and the absolute concentration of the actual space for novel stage, give us a show scenes of the attitudes of the world. The fifth chapter is the change of the narrative perspective of the Korean new novels. Novels in a certain sense is the art of narrative is a narrative genre, and descriptions of the novel deals with matters of narrative text, figures, and other open, certainly can not be separated from the perspective of a narrative, the arguer is precisely through this narrative from the perspective of the observations to all the tables shown. South Korea's new novel to the traditional novel omniscient universal narrative point of view at the same time, with limited narrative perspective, to strengthen the novel's sense of reality, mean to drive a wedge between the author and the author, or supply another review angle, is left to the reader aftertaste more opportunities, and then highlight the discussion of mental, emotional experience, and thus open from the inside to the outside of the display. The sixth chapter is the conclusion, through the process and the modern novel narrative form of the comparison research of the Korean new novel narrative form of change and its significance in the history of South korea. About South Korea's new novel first research Nianye mostly from the novel, the contents of the level of research, and the novel situation levels to study the are very few. In the materials which the author has controlled, there is no comprehensive system to study the new narrative form of South Korea's new narrative. This is a new type of narrative research in South Korea, which is a kind of new test. However because of the author's knowledge infinite, just change of Korean novel narrative form. The aim is to cast a brick to attract jade, caused more and more scholars' value and research.

