政治转型是指在一个国度或地域的政治体系体例改变和政治情况变更的景象与进程。政治转型是现今世界政治成长中碰到的一个具有广泛性的成绩,在东亚列国也不破例。二战停止以后,周全复制美公民主政体的韩国政治体系体例很显著遭受到了“不服水土”的景象,终究以朴正熙的政变之下,威权政体在韩国慢慢确立,专制的朴正熙当局在敏捷确立了经济成长优先的计谋,韩国也进入了一个高速成长时代,敏捷完成工业化和古代化。经济的高速成长招致了社会构造的改变,终究促使了政治转型。本文着笔于论述韩国农业古代化和政治转型之间的关系,韩语论文,从另外一个视角阐述平易近主政治转型在于韩国的必定性。全文除媒介以外重要有三部门构成。第一部门重要阐述平易近主转型的实际基本,韩语论文题目,重要包括平易近主转型的鼓起及其概念的厘定;论述剖析了东亚政治转型的动因,和东亚政治转型的前提;联合政治转型之前韩国政治社会现状,扼要的剖析了韩公民主转型的进程和稳固。第二部门重要阐述了韩国的乡村古代化之路。剖析了韩国传统的乡村经济和社会架构,韩国开国之初的地盘改造和地盘改造对于韩国乡村的严重意义,土改以后韩国乡村面对的新的窘境;剖析了韩国新村活动的鼓起、进程、阑珊和新村活动的结果。第三部门重要论述韩国乡村政治需求与韩国政治转型之间的关系。剖析了传统乡村外向型形式的特点和对集权主义政治的内涵需求;剖析了农业古代化以后,传统乡村面对着市场经济的伟大压力,和在压力下做出的内向型测验考试,由此带来的韩国乡村社会构造的新变更和对政治的新需求。 Abstract: The political transition refers to a country or region's political system and political situation change of scene change and process. The political transition is a widely encountered in today's world political achievements in the growth of the nations in East Asia, is no exception. World War II after the cessation of, copy of American democracy regime of South Korean political systems in the round was subjected to "acclimatized" scene, eventually to park under the coup, the authoritarian regime in South Korea gradually establish, dictatorship of Park Chung Hee authorities in agile established strategy of giving priority to economic growth, South Korea also entered the a high-speed development period, agile completed the industrialization and modernization. The rapid economic growth has led to the change of social structure, which led to the political transformation. In this paper, a pen on the discussion of the relationship between the Korean agricultural modernization and the political transition, from another perspective on plain near the main political transition in South Korea's inevitability. In addition to the full text of the media, there are three important sectors. Determination of the sector in the first exposition of democratic transformation of actual basic and important including plain near the main transformation of muster and concept; discourse analysis the reasons of political transformation in East Asia, and political transformation in East Asia the premise; combined before the political transition South Korean political and social situation, choke to the analysis of the firm and Han Gong democratic transition process. The second part is the important part of South Korea's Rural ancient road. Analysis of the Korean traditional rural economy and social structure, at the beginning of the founding of the South Korean land reform and land reform about South Korea country of great significance, after the land reform in South Korea country facing the new dilemma; analysis of the results of South Korea's new village of muster, the process, the recession and village activities. The third sector is important to discuss the relationship between South Korea's rural political needs and the political transition of South korea. Analysis of the characteristics of traditional rural outward form and the totalitarian political demand connotation; analysis of the agricultural modernization after, traditional country facing great pressure of market economy, and under pressure to make the introverted type test, resulting in the rural society of Korea structure create new change and the politics of new demand. 目录: 摘要 4-6 Abstract 6-7 第一章 导言 10-13 第一节 论文选题的目的和意义 10-11 第二节 探讨近况 11-13 一、 国内探讨近况 11-12 二、 国外探讨近况 12-13 第三节 探讨的措施和思路 13 第二章 政治转型探讨 13-23 第一节 政治转型理论的兴起与概念 13-15 一、 政治转型理论的兴起 13-15 二、 政治转型理论概念的界定 15 第二节 东亚政治转型 15-19 一、 东亚政治转型动因 15-18 二、 东亚政治转型条件 18-19 第三节 韩国的政治转型 19-23 一、 政治转型前韩国政治社会近况 19-21 二、 韩国民主转型的过程 21-23 第三章 韩国农村现代化之路 23-34 第一节 传统经济中的韩国农业概况 23-26 一、 韩国殖民地农业经济 23-24 二、 韩国土地改革 24-25 三、 韩国农业的困境与问题 25-26 第二节 韩国新村运动的兴起与成果 26-34 一、 韩国新村运动兴起 26-28 二、 韩国新村运动的实施 28-31 三、 韩国新村运动的衰退及成果 31-34 第四章 农村政治需求变化与韩国政治转型 34-43 第一节 韩国传统农村社会及其政治需求 34-38 一、 内向型农村社会的统治模式 34-36 二、 土地改革关于韩国农村社会结构的变化 36 三、 土地改革后韩国农村社会及集权主义政治需求 36-38 第二节 转型时期韩国农村社会的政治结构变迁 38-43 一、 市场经济条件下对韩国传统农村社会的压力 38-39 二、 农村的变革——韩国新村运动与政治需求的转变 39-42 三、 结论 42-43 参考文献 43-45 在读期间发表的学术论文与探讨成果 45-46 致谢 46-47 |