封面 1-2 文摘 2-4 英文文摘 4-7 论文说明:List of Acronyms and Abbreviations、LIST OF TABLES、LIST OF FIGURES 7-11 VITA 11-12 Chapter1 Introduction 12-21 Chapter2 Literature review 21-27 Chapter3 China's environmental security 27-41 3.1China's economic development and environmental problems 29-31 3.2 The main environmental pollution in China and its influence on neighboring countries 31-41 3.2.1 Air-pollution conflicts 32-37 3.2.2 Water pollution conflicts 37-41 Chapter4 The progress of regional cooperation and problems 41-60 4.1 The need for regional cooperation on environmental problems 41-43 4.2 Regional regime of three countries on environmental problems 43-50 4.3 Regional cooperation at the local level between China and Japan 50-53 4.4 Obstacles for the construction of environmental regional regime of three countries(Political and economic implication) 53-60 Chapter5 The prediction of cooperation and principles for environmental regional regime 60-82 5.1 Regime theories and its application to Northeast Asia 60-62 5.2 Theory application and the evaluation of regional regime of three countries 62-65 5.3 Environmental regional regime of three countries(Its characters and deficiencies) 65-67 5.4 Development strategies of environmental regional regime for three countries 67-82 5.4.1 China's strategy 70-73 5.4.2 Japan's strategy 73-78 5.4.3 South Korea's strategy 78-82 Chapter6 Possible model of environmental regional regime for three countries 82-87 6.1 Preventive effect of environmental liability approved by European Commission 82-83 6.2 Regional innovation system 83-85 6.3 The expectation and evaluation of current system of regional regime of three countries 85-86 6.4 The fusion style of developing country and developed country 86-87 Chapter7 Conclusion and Agenda for further research 87-92 Acknowledgement 92-94 Bibliography 94-103 Appendix 103