跟着中韩两国的交换成长,进修说话的人愈来愈多。中韩两都城存在着年夜量的鄙谚,鄙谚构成于平易近族历久生涯中,与汗青和文明互相关注。本文重要以文明说话学作为重要的实际基本和办法论,经由过程中韩鄙谚的概念、汗青本源、平易近族特征、年夜量的鄙谚罗列和比较,进一步考核两平易近族文明之间的关系。鄙谚是说话中汗青悠长、经由长时光挑选和提炼的比拟固定的内容,可以或许从多个角度充足反应一个平易近族的传统文明,可以说是文明的活化石。鄙谚发生于平易近族的临盆生涯傍边,以口口相传的情势传播上去,与现实生涯接洽慎密,包含着平易近族的聪明并具有必定的教导意义植物与人类的历久相处中,从物资到精力发生了主要的作用。同时,人类也将本身的认识加诸于植物身上,本文经由过程鄙谚中植物鄙谚为素材从类似性和差别性两方面深刻剖析比较研究,使比较进程加倍简练,更具有典范性和代表性。 Abstract: As China and South Korea Exchange growth, learning to speak more and more people. Two there is a large amount of capital and the proverb, saying to a nation long career, mutual concern and history and civilization. In this paper, the important to civilization as the basic and important practical way through theory, concept, process and saying the history origin, ethnic characteristics, a large number of proverbs listed and compared, further assessment of relations between the two nation civilization. The proverb is to speak in the long history, through compare the content of the fixed time can be selected and refined, perhaps from the point of view of adequate response of a nation's traditional culture, can be said to be a living fossil of civilization. The proverb occurred in the nation's production career situation to spread word of mouth sideways, up, and real life contact closely, contains the nation's clever and has certain guidance significance along with plants and human life time, from the material to the main impact energy. At the same time, the understanding of humanity will be imposed on the plant, the plant through the process in the proverb saying for the material from the two aspects of similarities and differences of profound analysis of comparative study, the comparison process more concise, more typical and representative. 目录: 摘要 2 韩文摘要 3-4 目录 4-5 正文 5-32 参考文献 32-34 附件 34-35 |