中韩两国有悠长的来往汗青,又阅历了快要40年的隔断时代。两国建交后,韩语毕业论文,双边关系迅猛成长,经贸来往获得了伟大的造诣。迎着新世纪的曙光,中韩关系将面对新的机会和挑衅。本文扼要回想中韩关系的汗青轨迹,商量90年月以来中韩关系获得迅猛成长的缘由,并从国际情况、周边关系及两国国情动身,重点剖析新世纪作用中韩关系的身分,提动身展中韩关系中国应采用的对策。在对新世纪作用中韩关系身分的剖析中,侧重从经济动力、半岛成绩、亚太地域年夜国力气比较等角度,剖析了作用中韩关系的国际、国际身分。在对这些身分做深刻剖析的基本上,文章以为,中韩关系成长的途径曲直折的,但前程是光亮的,韩语论文题目,经由过程两边尽力,必定能把一个安康美妙的中韩关系带入新世纪。 Abstract: China and South Korea have a long history of contacts, and the experience of nearly 40 years of age partition. After the two countries established diplomatic relations, the rapid growth of bilateral relations, the economic and trade exchange achieved great accomplishments. Greet the dawn of the new century, the relationship between China and South Korea will face new opportunities and challenges. In this paper, we briefly recall the history track of the relationship between China and South Korea, discuss 90 years since China ROK relations obtained rapid development of reason and from the international situation, the surrounding bilateral relations and conditions to start, focusing on analysis of the identity of the impact of the new century China ROK relations, make the development of China ROK relations in China should adopt the countermeasures. In the analysis of the impact on relations between China and South Korea as the new century, focusing on the economic power, peninsula achievement, Asia Pacific region country strength comparison angle, analyzes the influence of the relationship between China and South Korea International, international status. Of these factors make the deep analysis basically, this article thinks that the folding pathway involved in the growth of relations between China and South Korea, but the future is bright, through both sides of effort, must be able to bring a healthy beautiful China ROK relations into the new century. 目录: 1. 导言 5-6 2. 中韩关系的历史轨迹 6-10 2.1 古代的中韩关系 6-8 2.2 二战结束至两国建交前的中韩关系 8-10 3. 中韩关系的发展及其原因 10-20 3.1 中韩关系的发展 10-16 3.1.1 政治 10-11 3.1.2 经济 11-15 3.1.3 文化 15-16 3.2 中韩经贸关系迅速发展的主要原因 16-20 3.2.1 国际环境提供了可能性和必要性 16-17 3.2.2 两国经济发展迅速,互补性大 17-19 3.2.3 交通方便,优势明显 19 3.2.4 及时解决了经贸关系中发生的问题 19-20 4. 未来作用中韩关系发展的因素略论 20-35 4.1 经济因素是中韩关系发展的重要动力 20-24 4.1.1 经济因素在中韩关系发展中的重要影响 21-23 4.1.2 中韩在经济合作上存在的制约因素 23-24 4.2 半岛问题是作用中韩关系的另一个重要因素 24-31 4.2.1 半岛局势 24 4.2.2 中国在朝鲜半岛的利益 24-31 4.2.3 中国在半岛统一中的影响 31 4.3 亚太地区大国力量对中韩关系的作用 31-35 4.3.1 亚太的繁荣 31-32 4.3.2 大国关系的调整 32-33 4.3.3 大国关系对中韩关系的作用 33-35 4.4 中朝关系对中韩关系的作用 35 5. 我国对中韩关系应采取的对策 35-38 5.1 积极发挥在半岛问题上的重要影响 36 5.2 处理好与韩、朝的关系 36-37 5.3 善于利用韩国与美、日之间的矛盾 37-38 6. 结语:展望新世纪的中韩关系 38-41 |