高尔夫于14、15世纪构成,是英文“golf”一词的译音,是由绿色“green”、氧气“oxygen”、阳光“light”和步履“foot”的第一个字母构成而来。高尔夫活动有着其奇特的魅力、极富挑衅性,在现今世界愈来愈遭到众人的喜爱。跟着人们的花费认识的进步和空闲时光的增多,爱好高尔夫活动的人数也愈来愈多,高尔夫球场的数目也日趋增多,但是,国际高尔夫俱乐部的运营却年夜部门处于吃亏状况,不只困扰着高尔夫运营治理者,同时也将作用我国高尔夫活动的安康成长。本研究在对韩国高尔夫俱乐部成长过程及治理现状充足查询拜访的基本上,经由过程与我国现阶段高尔夫治理现状的比较剖析,找出今朝我国高尔夫俱乐部成长进程中存在的成绩,从而商量出合适中国国情的高尔夫俱乐部成长的治理形式,以推进中国高尔夫家当安康和连续成长。本研究以中韩高尔夫俱乐部为研究对象,经由过程运用文献材料法、问卷查询拜访法、专家访谈法、比拟法、数理统计法等多种研究办法,在对国际外高尔夫俱乐部研究和成长现状总结的基本上,韩语毕业论文,重点对中韩高尔夫俱乐部的成长现状和治理范畴停止详细的剖析,研究成果注解:1。中韩高尔夫项目开辟的市场定位存在差别:韩国事经由过程高尔夫市场运营来保证投资后的报答,故运营治理是俱乐部的焦点;而中国的高尔夫会所则是在先圈地今后,以地盘改变后房地产开辟的盈利获得报答,因此高尔夫运营治理一直是高尔夫项目开辟的衬托,故运营治理是俱乐部未被看好的一步棋。2。中韩两国,高尔夫喜好者的生齿的比例存在很年夜的差距:韩国12%的生齿喜好高尔夫活动,高尔夫成了韩公民众健身、休闲与文娱的项目之一,其运营治理进程中的量贩化操作使具有辽阔的市场;而中国只要0。02%的生齿喜好高尔夫活动(以30万高尔夫生齿盘算),高尔夫只是多数中公民众生涯的一部门,故运营治理通明度低且程度良莠不齐。3。中国国土广阔,其区域经济的成长存在着伟大的异同,而韩国这类差别性则不年夜。但绝对区域内城市与城郊的差别照样配合存在:中国因生齿与政策成绩,城镇收缩呈几何型增加,韩语论文网站,许多市郊球会已被城市包抄,在寸土寸金安慰下,俱乐部运营治理已被外界身分歪曲,而部门市郊及落伍地域的球会因客源缺乏,俱乐部运营治理离开了主旨而外乡化处置;在韩国市中间球会普通以公园式的"球场为主,全平易近化花费,绝对好同一治理形式,领土面积小,市郊球会除建形成本差别外,运营治理更趋同一。 Abstract: Golf on 14, 15 century, is a transliteration of the English word "Golf", is by the green "green", "oxygen", "light", and the action of "foot" of the first letter. Golf has its unique charm, highly provocative, in today's world, more and more people have been loved. As the grow in quantity people spend know progress and free time, like the number of golf activity is increasing, the number of golf course is also increasing, however, the operation of International Golf Club is Nianye sector in the loss condition, not bothering golf operation management, will also affect the golf activities in our country's health growth. This study. On the visit to South Korea Golf Club growth process and governance status adequacy query, through process and our country present stage golf management present situation comparative analysis, find out the current China golf club development process in the presence of the results to discuss the suitable situation of China Golf Club growth forms of governance, in order to promote the Chinese Golf possessions in Ankang and continuous growth. The research in China and South Korea golf club as the research object, through the process of using the literature material law, the questionnaire inquiry investigation, expert interview method, comparative method, mathematical statistics method and so on many kinds of research methods, summarized in golf club on domestic and foreign research and development status, focusing on the golf clubs in China and South Korea as the growth status and governance category stop detailed analysis, research notes: 1. Golf project between China and South Korea to open up the market there is a difference: South Korea through the golf market operation to ensure the investment return, so the operation management is the focal point for the club; and the China Golf Club is prior in enclosure, to change the site after the real estate development profit rewarded, so golf operation management has been golf project development background, so management is a chess club is not optimistic. 2. China and South Korea, the proportion of the population of golf enthusiasts existence very big disparity: 12% of South Korea's population, like golf, golf became the one of the Korean public fitness, leisure and entertainment projects and the operation process of governance in the wholesale operation that has a vast market, China, as long as 0. 02% population likes golf (golf 30 million population calculation), golf is a part of most of the public career, so operation management transparency is low and the degree of good and bad. 3. Chinese vast land, the great differences between the regional economic growth, while South Korea is not Nianye this difference. But the absolute difference between urban and suburban still existing in matching: China because of the result of population and policy, urban shrinkage was geometric increase. Many suburban ball would have been to outflank the city, Cuntucunjin comfort, club management has been distorted outside element and Salesroom Jiao and outdated geographical sphere due to lack of customer base, club management left the tenet and indigenous disposal; in South Korea, the middle ball will ordinary Park Stadium, all residents of cost, definitely a good with a form of governance, small land area, suburban ball will in addition to form the difference and operation management more convergence of a. 目录: |