面对中国企业法修正成绩,中国的很多学者也针对有用监事轨制的树立停止了普遍的研究。中国企业法的立法目标是,韩语论文范文,经由过程改造开放,在把社会主义筹划经济体系体例转化为社会主义市场经济体系体例的进程中,完成国有公司向企业制改变。可以说,绝关于其他国度的企业的发生配景,中国的情形具有其判然不同的特点。是以,纯真比拟中韩两国的监事轨制确切有所牵强,但假如在认可两国监事轨制存在若干差别的基本上,韩语论文题目,经由过程对两国监事轨制的司法划定停止比拟研究,从而引出中公法学上的成绩,再从韩公法学中找到可以改良中国情形的立法论基本,并予以供给相干的立法材料,那末,这也是一项意义严重的研究结果。与韩国的情形相似,中国也因为企业法上监事会轨制的非专业性和职务的非忠诚性,停止了很多自我批评,但笔者以为,与其评论辩论能否应当把某项轨制全盘吸收,还不如真正对监查机构自己的形状停止完全研究。从如许的不雅点动身,研究列国监事轨制的立法事例具有严重意义,更加主要的是,对于在人力物力上与韩国有着浩瀚交换而且同时作为年夜陆法系国度的中国来讲,积极参考韩国企业立法上的改造轨制和引进先例,将会对中国公司确保更高条理上的有用性,通明性及公平性供给相干的实际根据,这也恰是本文的意义地点。本文共有5章。第一章为引言部门;第二章论述了列国监事轨制的立法规;第三章阐述了中韩两国监事轨制的立法沿革和各自涌现的成绩,韩国新引入的监事委员会轨制的优缺陷及其经济后果,韩国监事委员会轨制带来的相干提醒;第四章在比拟中韩两国监事轨制的基本上,向中国监事轨制的立法改造供给相干的实际基本;第五章作为结论,对监事轨制提出了小我性假想。 Abstract: In the face of the amendment of the China Company law, many scholars in China have made a lot of research on the establishment of the system of supervisors and supervisors. Aim of legislation of company law of the people's Republic of China, through the process of reform and opening up, the socialist planned economic system transformation for the socialist market economic system in the process, the completion of state owned enterprises to the corporate system change. It can be said that the occurrence of background relative to other countries, the situation is entirely different Chinese characteristics of the. Is so pure compared to China and South Korea supervisors rail system exact far fetched to some, but if in recognition of their supervision rail system exist differences. Through the process of their supervision rail of legal provisions to carry on the comparison research, which leads to the achievement of public law, from Han public law can be found in improvement of China's legislation on the basic, and shall provide relevant legislative materials, that at the end, it is a significant research results. And South Korea is similar to China because of the company law on the board of supervisors will rail of non professional and duty of loyalty, stop a lot of self-criticism, but in the author's opinion, and comment debate whether he should put a rail system completely absorbed, as well as the real shape of the audit institutions in their stop completely research. From such indecent starting point, research the nations supervisory system of legislative examples with serious significance, is more important, about in the human and material resources with South Korea has a vast exchange and at the same time as the continental law countries for China, positive reference Korean company legislation on the transformation of the rail system and the introduction of precedent, will Chinese enterprises to ensure greater usefulness of the structured, transparency and fairness to provide relevant actual, this is also precisely the meaning of this paper. There are 5 chapters in this paper. The first chapter is the part of introduction; the second chapter discusses the nations supervisors rail of the legislation; the third chapter expounds the legislative history of China and South Korea supervisors rail system and their emerging results, South Korea and the introduction of new board rail of the advantages and disadvantages and the economic consequences of, Korea supervisors Committee rail coherent remind; Chapter 4 in comparison with China and South Korea supervisors rail system, to Chinese supervisor system reform of the legislation provide relevant actual basis. The fifth chapter as conclusion, rail system for supervisors proposed imaginary person. 目录: 第1章 引言 7-9 第2章 各国监事制度的立法例 9-25 2.1 德国的监事制度 9-12 2.1.1 德国经济的特征和监事会制度的发展背景 9-10 2.1.2 监事会制度 10-12 2.2 日本的监事制度 12-15 2.2.1 日本的经济状况和公司治理结构的改善方向 12-13 2.2.2 日本现行的监事制度 13-14 2.2.3 商法等一部分法学修改草案纲要征求意见稿 14-15 2.2.4 商法等一部分法学修改草案纲要征求意见稿的问题 15 2.3 英国的监事制度 15-20 2.3.1 引言 15-16 2.3.2 英国的监事制度 16-18 2.3.3 凯得伯瑞报告 18-20 2.3.4 哈姆佩尔报告 20 2.4 美国的监事制度 20-25 2.4.1 美国监事委员会的背景 20-22 2.4.2 监事委员会的组成和资格 22-23 2.4.3 监事委员会的职能和权限 23-25 第3章 企业法上中韩监事制度的比较 25-42 3.1 中国监事会制度 25-29 3.1.1 中国监事会制度的立法沿革 25-26 3.1.2 中国监事会制度的实践及其不能有效发挥影响的原因略论 26-29 3.2 韩国监事会制度 29-42 3.2.1 1995年改正商法上的监事制度 30-33 3.2.2 1999年引入监事委员会 33-36 3.2.3 监事委员会制度的优缺点 36-39 3.2.4 监事委员会制度的经济效果 39-40 3.2.5 韩国监事委员会带来的提示 40-42 第4章 中韩监事制度比较及立法建议 42-48 4.1 董事会以及高级管理人员经营活动的监督权 43-44 4.1.1 合法性监察和妥当性监察 43-44 4.1.2 使监事会的监督权起到实效,韩国通过制度上的设计来加以保证 44 4.2 审核企业表册和文件的权力 44-45 4.3 子企业的调查权 45 4.4 召集临时股东大会的权力 45-46 4.5 企业的代表权 46-47 4.6 监事与董事的连带责任 47-48 第5章 结语 48-50 参考文献 50-52 致谢 52 声明 52-53 个人简历、在学期间的探讨成果与发表的论文 53 |