今朝,协作与成长成为中韩最为存眷的方面。然则,在追求协作的进程中我们却发明,中韩前9年夜出口市场有8个是重合的,这8个重合市场包含美国、欧盟、日本、东盟、喷鼻港、台湾、澳年夜利亚、加拿年夜。个中美国、欧盟、日本、喷鼻港、东盟5年夜市场占中国出口比重75。8%,占韩国出口比重56。9%,中韩出口市场出现高度重合的现状。作为中韩两国重合市场中最为主要的三个市场,美国、欧盟、日本在中韩出口市场中的位置不容疏忽。中韩在美日欧市场上存在出口重合情形的产物重要集中在原资料、电子产物、纺织品服装、船舶等几类产物上,两国此类产物的出口竞争也显得越加剧烈。现实上,中韩类似的“以出口为导向,以制作业为中间”的东亚经济成长形式、“先出口纺织服装等休息密集型产物,韩语毕业论文,后出口电机产物”的出口构造、在IT、生物工程技巧、新资料等各个范畴雷同或相似的科技成长计谋、积极履行内向型成长计谋的商业政策、中国出口产物竞争力敏捷进步等各方面的缘由,使中韩涌现了出口市场高度重合的现状,两国之间的竞争出现愈来愈剧烈的态势。这类竞争必定会作用两国经济商业的疾速稳固成长,韩语论文网站,是以周全协作是两国将来成长的趋向。经由过程周全的协作,使两国由商业的短时间协作成长为历久协作,由部分协作成长到周全协作,由竞争关系成长为协作同伴关系,使中韩两国终究完成共赢的目的。 Abstract: At present, cooperation and growth become the most concern for China and South korea. However, in pursuit of cooperation in the process we found out that, before China and Korea 9 big export markets have eight is a coincidence, the eight coincident markets include United States, the European Union, Japan, ASEAN, nasal spray, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, Canada. The United States, European Union, Japan, Hong Kong, the 5 ASEAN market accounted for Chinese export proportion of 75. 8%, the proportion of exports to South Korea 56. 9%, China and South Korea export market status of a high degree of coincidence. As China and South Korea market coincidence three most major markets, the United States, European Union, Japan's position in China and South Korea in the export market can not be ignored. China and South Korea in the United States, Japan and European market existing products export coincidence of circumstances, the important focus on raw materials, electronic products, textile and garment, shipbuilding and other types of products, the export competition of two such products also appears increasingly intense. Reality, China and South Korea similar "export oriented, to make industry as the center" of the East Asian economic growth form, "first textile and garment exports, rest intensive products, export motor product export structure, in it, new materials, bio engineering techniques for each category of thunder the same or similar technology development strategy, actively fulfill their introverted type development strategy of the business policy, China's export products competitiveness agile progress etc. the reason, to South Korea and the emergence of a high degree of overlap in the export market situation, the competition between the two countries appear trend becoming more and more intense. This kind of competition will affect the rapid growth of bilateral economic and commercial firm, is a comprehensive cooperation is the future development trend. Through the process of comprehensive cooperation between the two countries for long-term cooperation, by some collaborative development to comprehensive cooperation, by competition between growth partnership, so that China and South Korea eventually achieve win-win situation, to collaboration between business a short time growth. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 第1章 绪论 8-16 1.1 课题背景与意义 8-9 1.1.1 探讨背景 8 1.1.2 探讨意义 8-9 1.2 国内外探讨近况及略论 9-14 1.2.1 国外探讨近况略论 9-11 1.2.2 国内探讨近况略论 11-14 1.2.3 对国内外探讨文献的综述 14 1.3 探讨内容及措施 14-16 1.3.1 探讨内容 14-15 1.3.2 探讨措施 15-16 第2章 中韩出口市场重合性略论 16-32 2.1 中韩出口市场格局略论 16-19 2.1.1 中国多元化的出口市场格局 16-17 2.1.2 韩国不均衡的出口市场格局 17-18 2.1.3 中韩出口市场格局对比 18-19 2.2 中韩出口市场重合性的验证 19-22 2.3 中韩在主要出口市场的重合性略论 22-31 2.3.1 中韩在美国市场的重合性 22-27 2.3.2 中韩在欧盟市场的重合性 27-29 2.3.3 中韩在日本市场的重合性 29-31 2.4 本章小结 31-32 第3章 中韩出口市场重合原因略论 32-43 3.1 中韩发展模式相似 32-34 3.1.1 韩国以出口导向为基础的发展模式 32-33 3.1.2 中国以奖出限入为主的发展模式 33-34 3.2 中韩出口结构趋同 34-35 3.3 中韩科技发展战略重合 35-38 3.3.1 韩国“走出去请进来”的科技发展战略 35-37 3.3.2 中国“重视创新”的科技发展战略 37-38 3.4 中韩贸易政策与导向重合 38-40 3.4.1 韩国“振兴出口”的贸易政策 38-39 3.4.2 中国“逐步实现自由化”的贸易政策 39-40 3.5 中国产品竞争力迅速提高 40-42 3.6 本章小结 42-43 第4章 中韩在市场重合中实现双赢的策略探讨 43-51 4.1 重视政府层面的合作,实现政府导向与市场对接 43-45 4.1.1 高新技术开发方面的合作 43-44 4.1.2 贸易便利化方面的合作 44-45 4.1.3 价格控制方面的合作 45 4.2 加强重点产业层面的合作,为两国带来规模效益 45-48 4.2.1 电子工业合作 45-46 4.2.2 机械工业合作 46-47 4.2.3 纺织工业合作 47-48 4.2.4 石油化工合作 48 4.3 建立公司层面的合作,使两国公司实现互利共赢 48-50 4.3.1 建立中韩公司战略联盟 48-49 4.3.2 针对技术壁垒,实行标准化战略 49-50 4.3.3 加强品牌意识,大力发展异同产品 50 4.4 本章小结 50-51 结论 51-52 参考文献 52-56 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 56-58 致谢 58 |