跟着我国现有经济的迅猛成长,公民生涯程度的日趋进步,人们的余暇时光开端增多,与之而来的是安康成绩,各类贫贱病的涌现令人们开端留意到本身的身材,国度也将眼光放在了公民体质安康上。为了尽快使我国成长成为年夜众体育强国,国务院于1995年公布实行了全平易近健身筹划纲领,2008年的北京奥运会更是增进了我国年夜众体育的疾速成长,但是光靠本身的成长是艰苦的,我国与国外年夜众体育蓬勃国度之间还存在不小差距,这就须要与国外年夜众体育蓬勃国度来作比拟研究,找出缺乏,探究出一条合适我国国情的年夜众体育成长之路,本文遵守这一准绳,以中韩两国年夜众体育的成长情形为比拟对象,运用文献材料法、访谈法和逻辑剖析法等办法对中韩两国年夜众体育成长做出剖析,找出作用我国年夜众体育成长存在的重要身分,并经由过程与韩国年夜众体育成长的比较中提出了以下公道化建议:1、进一步加年夜年夜众体育举措方法的计划投入,充足调动黉舍、社区周边的公司、社会集团,增强协作,尽力完美年夜众体育举措方法的扶植与治理;2、加年夜社会体育指点员的造就力度,完美年夜众体育指点体系,黉舍上要从体育类专业先生动手,重视其学科文明常识和技巧的协调成长,韩语毕业论文,构建优越的年夜众体育健身气氛,吸引更多的人参加到我国年夜众体育指点体系中来,完美年夜众体育的指点系统;3、进一步进步宣扬力度,韩语毕业论文,运用周边信息周全宣扬,收取身旁大众看法或建议,汇总、剖析、整合出合适我国根本国情并在公布出台时真正做到八面玲珑、详细实行的的相干政策律例。 Abstract: Along with the rapid growth of China's current economic, citizen of the degree of career progress with each passing day, people's leisure time beginning increased, and is health problems, the emergence of all kinds of poverty disease that people began to pay attention to oneself body, the country will also look on the civil constitution conn on. In order to make our country become the public sports power as soon as possible, the State Council announced the implementation of the "National Fitness Program" plan in 1995, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is to promote China's rapid development of public sports, but on its own growth is tough, between our country and foreign public sports flourishing where there is not a small gap, and it needs the foreign big sports developed countries to make comparative study, find out the deficiency, and explore a suitable condition of our public sports growth path, this paper follow this principle, with China and South Korea public sports growth as compared to the object, using the literature material law, interview method and logical analysis method to make analysis of China and South Korea public sports development, find out the important influence of China's public sports identity growth exist, and through Comparison with South Korea public sports in the development and put forward the following suggestions: 1, reasonable further big sports facilities projects, to fully mobilize the community surrounding the school, enterprises and social groups, strengthen cooperation, support and try to perfect the governance big sports facilities; 2, increase social sports instructor makes efforts to perfect the public sports guidance system, school from professional sports Mr. hands, pay attention to the harmonious development of civilization, knowledge and skills, build the sports atmosphere big advantages, attract more people to join the sports system in our country's guidance, guidance system the perfect sports; 3, further progress to promote efforts surrounding the use of information collected by the public to promote comprehensive, opinions or suggestions, summary, analysis, integration Suitable our country's basic conditions and make relevant policy code, with the implementation of all things to all men in real time issued. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 1 前言 9-12 1.1 选题缘由 9-12 2 文献综述 12-15 2.1 “大众体育”概念的界定 12 2.2 我国大众体育发展的综述 12-14 2.2.1 在中外大众体育对比探讨中政策法规上的探讨综述 13 2.2.2 在中外大众体育对比探讨中体育场地器材上的探讨综述 13 2.2.3 在中外大众体育对比探讨中对体育指导员的探讨综述 13-14 2.3 已有的探讨价值和存在的不足 14-15 3 探讨对象与措施 15-16 3.1 探讨对象 15 3.2 探讨措施 15-16 3.2.1 文献资料法 15 3.2.2 访谈法 15 3.2.3 逻辑略论法 15-16 4 结果与略论 16-37 4.1 中韩两国大众体育发展的基本概况 16-21 4.1.1 我国大众体育发展情况 16-18 基本概况 16-17 我国大众体育设施情况 17 我国大众体育参与人数情况 17-18 参与方式情况 18 4.1.2 韩国大众体育发展情况 18-21 基本情况 18-19 韩国的大众体育参与率情况 19-20 拥有体育设施情况 20 参与方式情况 20-21 4.2 中韩两国大众体育发展的实践情况探讨 21-33 4.2.1 我国大众体育发展实践情况探讨 21-27 我国大众体育俱乐部和场地设施的情况 21-22 我国大众体育指导系统发展情况 22-24 我国大众体育的宣传与相关法学政策情况 24-27 4.2.2 韩国大众体育发展实践情况探讨 27-33 韩国大众体育俱乐部的情况 27-28 韩国大众体育指导系统的基本情况 28-30 大众体育的宣传与政策法学实践情况 30-33 4.3 比较略论与不足之处 33-37 4.3.1 俱乐部和器材设施情况 33-35 4.3.2 大众体育指导系统情况 35 4.3.3 大众体育宣传情况略论 35-37 5 主要结论与建议 37-41 5.1 在大众体育设施方面 37-39 5.1.1 坚持政府为主导,严格执行有关体育设施的法学法规 37 5.1.2 加大大众体育设施的规划投入 37-38 5.1.3 完善大众体育设施的建设与管理 38-39 5.2 在大众体育指导方面 39-40 5.2.1 社会体育指导员的培养 39 5.2.2 高校体育专业指导人才的培养 39 5.2.3 大众体育健身咨询中心的建设 39-40 5.3 在大众体育宣传方面 40-41 6 结语 41-42 参考文献 42-46 致谢 46-47 附录一 47-48 附录二 48-49 攻读硕士学位期间取得的科研成果 49 |