中韩两国事海上近邻,两国经贸关系在1992年建交后获得敏捷成长,韩语毕业论文,从而带动了中韩间海运市场的成长。从1990年到2000年的10年时光里,前后成立了7家合伙船企业运营中韩间的10条客货班轮航路。固然阅历了1995年中韩空中航路的守旧和1997年韩国金融危机的两次冲击,年夜部门企业仍获得了优越的运营事迹,客货班轮企业承运的集装箱占中韩航路的集装箱运输量的比例也呈上升趋向。但是将来的市场其实不使人悲观,受中国参加WTO、南北韩走向息争同一、南北韩铁路贯穿、集装箱班轮介入统一航路的竞争、中韩空中航路密度加年夜等诸多身分的作用,中韩航路的客货班轮企业将面对严格的市场情势。经由过程对青岛—仁川航路的经济效益剖析可以发明客货班轮企业的重要支出起源于货运支出,客运支出只占小部门比例。因为客货船船价自己比一致范围的集装箱船船价要凌驾许多,同时因为船速高,燃油费用也比集装箱船凌驾许多,因此其运营本钱要远高于集装箱船,没法与集装箱船停止价钱竞争。而跟着仁川港集装箱船埠的开工扶植集,装箱船的竞争已火烧眉毛。中国国际的一些公司和处所当局并没有苏醒地熟悉到客货班轮企业所面对的剧烈竞争和市场风险,纷纭请求守旧到韩国的新的客货班轮航路。假如这些新的航路开设请求都可以或许获得同意,则势必形成运力多余,各企业间低价竞争,公司经济效益下滑。客货班轮企业面临剧烈的市场竞争,必需增强治理,成长物流和电子商务等营业进步对客户的办事和任务效力;多元化投资疏散运营风险:成长旅游事业增长客源:施展行业协会的感化,联结分歧,保护本身好处:开拓新航路,抢占市场先机:造就和运用人才网job。vhao。net加强竞争力;更新船舶,公道支配船期,坚持客货班轮独有的快、准、频的竞争优势。只要经由过程上述举动,韩语论文,客货班轮企业能力在将来的市场竞争中立于不败之地。 Abstract: China and South Korea are close neighbors, bilateral economic and trade relations after the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992 to obtain rapid growth, which led to the growth of the Chinese and Korean maritime market. From 1990 to 2000 10 years, before and after the establishment of 10 passenger liner routes operating 7 partnership between South Korea and the shipping company. Although experienced the conservative Korea in 1995 air route and 1997 financial crisis in South Korea to the two shocks, Nianye sector companies still get a superior operating deeds, passenger liner shipping container accounted for the proportion of container transportation route between China and South Korea also showed rising trend. But the future of the market don't really make the pessimistic people, by China's accession to the WTO, North and South Korea to reconciles, North South Railway throughout, container liner interventional unified route competition, South Korea air route density plus Nianye etc. many factor's influence, China South Korea route of passenger liner company will face strict market situation. Through the process of Qingdao, Incheon route to analyze the economic benefits can ferry companies are an important source of income was invented in freight expenditures, passenger spending accounted for only small proportion. Because the passenger cargo vessel price than the scope of container ship price to override many, also because of the high speed, fuel costs also than the container ship above many, therefore the operation cost to far higher than the container ship, no method and container ship stop price competition. With the Inchon port container terminal operating support set, container ship competition has been extremely urgent. China International Business and local authorities and never regained more familiar to passenger liner company is facing fierce competition and market risk, the diverse request conservative to South Korea's new ferry route. If these new routes to open a request can be agreed, it is bound to form a surplus capacity, the company's low price competition, the economic benefits of enterprises. Passenger liner company is faced with intense market competition, must strengthen governance, growth of the progress of logistics and e-commerce business to customer service and task force; diversified investment evacuation operation risk: the growth of tourism growth source: display the role of industry associations, connection points, to protect their own benefits: open up new routes, to seize the market opportunities: create and talent net job application. Vhao. Net strengthen the competitiveness; renew ship, reasonable control schedule, to ferry unique fast and accurate frequency, competitive advantage. As long as through the process of the move, the ferry companies an invincible position in the future competition in the market. 目录: |