中国事韩国的近邻,两国具有类似的文明配景。1992年中国与韩国正式建交以来,两国关系敏捷成长,两国的经济协作关系也日趋成长。两国所处的时期分歧,然则中国和韩都城是在异常贫困的基本上走向经济高速增加的。韩国事从60年月开端到80年月,中国事从70年月末到如今,都是同期活着界上经济增加速度最快的国度之一。国有公司改造是中国经济体系体例改造的连续性难点和热门,也是中国社会主义市场经济体系体例情势,成长和完美的主体性内容之一。在曩昔的改造开放的20多年里,中国对国有公司的改造尽到了最年夜的尽力,这个尽力势必在新的世纪焕收回可喜的结果。在韩国经济高速增加进程中当局主导起了必定的积极的感化,然则高速增加前期这类感化反而惹起了许多负面景象,不公道的经济构造乃至成为招致“金融危机”的最年夜缘由。不外如今韩国曾经根本解脱了危机的困扰,进入了经济构造调剂阶段。在中韩两国经济成长汗青上,韩国的年夜型公司团体与中国的国有公司担负了主力军的脚色。韩国公司不管掉败的经验照样胜利的经历对中都城有主要的自创意义。特殊值得一提的是,90年月中期,中国在推动年夜团体计谋时,很多人把韩国公司团体形式作为自创的模范。是以,中国停止公司改造时应该特殊看重韩国公司的经历和经验。比来十几年来,中国公司改造停顿迟缓。韩国公司改造滞后而堕入危机的经验告知中国,中国曾经没有时光再拖沓了。中国与韩国固然社会轨制分歧,但同属第三世界,同属东亚文明圈。经济成长的终点也非常邻近,特别韩国的经济形式不是完整的市场经济形式,韩语论文,而是当局无力干涉下的“混杂式经济形式”,这同中国在今朝阶段所履行的社会主义市场经济形式,并且对国有公司改造有很年夜的类似的地方。是以韩国在完成工业化进程中所获得的经历和经验,对于中国有参考价值。跟着国有公司的改造和成长,中国社会主义市场经济将进一步与世界市场经济接轨,中国公民经济将进一步融入全球化海潮中。这将进一步晋升中国的国度竞争力,公民经济综合国力会进一步加强,公民经济的第三步成长计谋(即21世纪中叶到达其时中等蓬勃国度的成长程度)将会完成。与韩国公司协作、竞争应该成为中国公司与世界接轨、介入国际竞争的一个主要的门路。跟着韩国国际改造的深刻和计谋调剂的完成,韩国公司将进一步扩展海内投资,中国事韩国对外投资的第一站。中国应该充足运用这个机遇,向韩国公司进修,韩语论文题目,与韩国公司协作、同韩国公司竞争。 Abstract: Chinese about Korea's neighbors, the two countries have similar cultural background. Since 1992 China and South Korea formally established diplomatic relations, bilateral relations between the two countries to develop quickly, economic cooperation is growing. During the period of the differences between the two countries, but Chinese and ROK are in abnormal poverty basically to the rapid economic increase. South Korea from 60 years to 80 years beginning from the end of 70 years, Chinese thing now, is one of the fastest period alive on national economic growth. The reform of state-owned enterprises is difficult China continuous economic reform and is also popular, Chinese socialist market economic system and growth situation, one of the main contents of the perfect. In the reforming and opening of the past 20 years, China's transformation of the state-owned enterprises try to most of the eve of the effort, this effort will in the new century Hwan recover gratifying results. In South Korea's rapid economic growth in the process of authorities leading plays a certain positive role, but increased at a high speed such as the pre action but caused many negative images, unreasonable economic structure, even become a lead to the biggest reason of "financial crisis". But now the South Korea has fundamental relief crisis, entered the stage of economic structural adjustment. In the Sino South Korean economic development history, South Korea's large enterprise groups with China's state-owned enterprises responsible for the role of the main force. South Korean companies fail regardless of experience still triumphs have major significance to china. Special it is worth mentioning that 90 time metaphase, Chinese group in promoting Nianye strategies, many people take the form as South Korea enterprise groups own model. Is to stop, Chinese should pay special attention to enterprise reform experience and experience of Korean enterprises. Recent ten years, Chinese enterprise reform slow. South Korean companies behind the transformation and falling crisis experience told China, Chinese had no time to procrastinate. South Korea is the social system and China differences, but belong to the third world, East Asian cultural circle. The end of economic growth is also very close to, especially South Korea's economy is not complete market economy form, but authorities powerless to intervene under the "mixed economy form", which with China in the current stage performance of the socialist market economy, and on the reform of the state-owned enterprises have similar place very big. Is the experience and experience to complete the process of industrialization in South Korea in the Chinese on reference value. Along with the state-owned enterprise reform and growth, China's socialist market economy will conform with the world market economy further, China national economy will further integrate in globalization tide. The further promotion of the competitiveness of Chinese nation and citizen economy comprehensive national power will further strengthen economic citizenship in the third step development strategy (i.e., in the middle of the 21st century arrived meantime moderate vigorous national growth level) will be completed. And South Korea enterprise cooperation and competition should be Chinese companies with the world and participate in international competition in a major way. Follow the South Korean military transformation of profound and strategic adjustment, South Korean enterprises will further expand the domestic investment, the first leg of the China South Korea's foreign investment. This opportunity should Chinese adequate application, learn from the South Korean companies, and South Korea enterprise collaboration, enterprise competition with South korea. 目录: |