
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


To study and created the advanced international banks governance experience and skills, improve their bank operation level of management, the effectiveness of the progress of the financial industry, strengthen the financial system stability and security, China and Han Doucheng actively introduce foreign strategic investors. And the introduction of foreign strategic investors own is a double-edged sword, it can the core competitiveness of domestic banks in progress, to strengthen the soundness of the financial sector; and can lead to cost or profit outflow and the bank financial center monitor can weaken and affect the domestic financial system of peace. This paper applied economics, financial science, management science, law and relevant knowledge and practical, through to China and South Korea trade bank industry introduction of the background and status of foreign strategic investors to carry on the research, specific analysis of the impact of foreign strategic investors on the bank industry between China and South Korea performance and operational action (positive and negative) effect, and the causes of negative effects to carry on the analysis, proposes China should how from the South Korean case inspired. The article first introduced the foreign strategic investors in China and South Korea to introduce foreign strategic investors with the situation and the status quo. South Korea in order to free the financial crisis in 1997, to stop the comprehensive financial reform, the eve of the national capital to relax into the premise, a lot of foreign strategic investors to obtain a controlling stake in the Korean trading bank and the right to operate. China is to solve the huge non-performing loans, to accelerate the opening up of financial industry, progress of the banking industry's international competitiveness, but also to stop the in a series of financial reform, has attracted a large amount of foreign capital investing in China bank industry. Then to China and South Korea to introduce foreign strategic investors before and after the effect analysis. The a series of operational data from the analysis of the overseas capital into capital of South Korea and China Banking sufficient progress, reduce non-performing loans, asset return rate of progress, the positive effects, and analyzes the financial management skills and risk control level, operating the transparency aspects of the positive role. Also analyzes the foreign strategic investors to enter China and South Korea after the banking industry on the financial market stability, wealth outflow, the negative impact of foreign tax evasion, the central bank's monitoring. Analysis notes, the impact of foreign strategic investors in South Korea than China is more significant. Initially how to make the above analysis the positive role of the most Nianye, analysis of the negative effect of minimizing open, to theory of South Korean trade banking experience as homemade presents two aspects of countermeasures 1, to the strength of application of foreign strategic investors, the introduction of superior international honours the famous bank, enhancement on the introduction of strategic investors of seduction and supervision, establish and perfect the relevant judicial rail system, in order to prevent stagnation after the listing of the cause of the negative effect to ensure the transparency of bank operation; second, in order to enhance the commercial bank steady growth should be on the eve of the force training of international financial capital, exploring the small and medium-sized enterprise loan plan, test expansion overseas operations.

