室庐是人类最为主要的生涯材料,是权衡一个国度政治安宁、经济成长、社会稳固的主要标记。室庐一切权司法轨制是一国物权轨制的主要内容,与国度的根本社会、经济、政治轨制和政策接洽较为慎密,研究室庐一切权司法轨制具有主要的价值和意义。论文经由过程对中国室庐一切权司法轨制与韩国室庐一切权司法轨制的比拟,体系剖析了中朝两国在室庐一切权司法轨制上的差异。在中韩室庐一切权司法轨制比拟剖析的基本上,提出了自创韩国室庐一切权司法轨制完美中国室庐一切权司法轨制的若干思虑。上述研究重要是经由过程文献办法停止比拟研究的。中国实施城乡二元的室庐一切权司法轨制,室庐一切权在权属挂号、流转、掩护上存在显著的城乡异同。因为实施地盘的社会主义私有制,树立在地盘之上的室庐,其一切权的“完整性”便遭到必定的限制,司法划定室庐一切权与地盘运用权必需“主体—致、配合处罚”。中国以地盘运用权轨制来标准室庐权力与地盘权力的关系,划定出让地盘的运用权用于栖身的,最历久限为70年,期满可主动续期,这一划定,表现了社会主义轨制的优胜性。韩国以地上权轨制来标准室庐权力与地盘权力的关系,并继受了日本法树立起室庐与地盘权力关系的二元体系体例,室庐权力与地盘权力可以完整分别、自在处罚,韩语毕业论文,并划定了习气法上的法定地上权。在室庐一切权的掩护上,韩国明白划定了室庐与地盘收用的目标性前提和“公共好处”尺度的内在和内涵,制订了严厉、标准的收用法式。作为传统室庐一切权司法轨制的弥补,韩国还专门设置了基地运用权轨制来标准辨别单位的室庐一切权。中国与韩国因为汗青成长过程的差别,室庐一切权司法轨制阅历了分歧的演进进程,两国对于室庐一切权“私权掩护理念”的看重阶段和本国法的继受不尽雷同。在室庐权力与地盘权力的关系上两国有着分歧的立法形式和轨制支配:韩国实施二元主义的立法形式,而中国实施“房地产分歧”准绳,韩国以地上权轨制标准室庐权力与地盘权力的关系,而中国以地盘运用权轨制停止标准。在室庐一切权的获得上,韩国认可获得时效轨制,而中国划定了好心获得轨制。论文经由过程比拟剖析提出了自创韩国的室庐一切权司法轨制完美中国室庐一切权司法轨制的思虑:树立城乡同一的室庐权属挂号轨制和室庐流转生意业务市场:明白室庐与地盘收用的目标性前提,划定详细、可操作的征收赔偿法式和公道、公正的赔偿尺度;树立室庐一切权获得时效轨制;树立地盘运用权之上的地上权轨制,使室庐一切权与地盘运用权既可归属于统一主体,韩语论文题目,又可分离让渡和设定典质,使室庐一切权成为真正自力的物权。 Abstract: Lu is the main career material for human beings, is a measure of a national political security, economic growth, social stability of the major label. Room cottage all judicial power rail system is the main content of a country's real rail system, with the country's fundamental social, economic and political institutional and policy approached more rigorous and seminar rooms Lu all right legal system has important value and significance. The through of Lu Chinese room all right legal system and South Korea room cottage all right to judicial rail of analogy, system analysis of the China and Korea in room cottage all judicial power rail of the similarities and differences between. In China and South Korea room cottage all right legal system comparative analysis of basic, puts forward the own South Korea cottage room all judicial power rail of perfect Chinese room cottage all judicial power rail of some consideration. The above discussion is important through the process of literature to stop the analogy. The implementation of China's urban and rural dual chamber Lu all right legal system, room cottage all right in the management authority in the registration, transfer, on the cover exist significant difference between urban and rural areas. Because the implementation of the socialist public ownership of the site, set up a room cottage on the site, all right "integrity" has been a certain limit, the legal provisions room cottage all rights and land use rights must be "subject, with punishment. China to land use right rail system to standard room Lu power and land power, delineated transferring land use rights for living, most long-term limit for 70 years, after the expiration of the active renewal, this one regulation, the performance of the socialist system superiority. South Korea to the right on the ground rail system to standard room Lu power and land power, and following the Japanese law set the room cottage and land power relations of binary systems, room Lu power and land power can be completely separated, freedom punishment, and the delineation of the customary law on the legal rights. On the cover of the room, all right, South Korea clearly defined the objective premise of house and land expropriation and the dimension of the "public benefits" intrinsic and connotation, to formulate a strict and standard of the expropriation procedures. As a traditional room cottage all judicial power rail system make up, South Korea has also set up a special base application in rail system to distinguish the standard unit of room cottage all right. China and South Korea because of the difference of the growth process of history, room cottage all right to judicial rail system has experienced different evolution process, the two countries on all room cottage in "private right protection philosophy of" value stage and the succession of the law are not the same. In room Lu power and land power relationship between two countries have differences in the form of legislation and institutional control: the implementation of the legislative form of dualism in South Korea, and the implementation of China's "real estate differences" principle, South Korea to the ground in rail of standard room cottage power and land power, and China to land use right track of stopping criteria. In all the right house, South Korea recognised prescription system, and the system was designated Chinese kind. Setting all understand: business flow and ventricular rail China rail all papers by analogy analysis suggested that the homemade Korean room cottage in judicial system perfect room cottage all jurisdiction of thinking: set up the city and countryside with a room cottage ownership registration rail of Lu reincarnation market room cottage and land expropriation of the target, the delineation of detailed and operable expropriation and compensation procedures and reasonable and fair compensation scale; establish room cottage in aging rail system, set up the land use right to the right track of the room cottage all right and land use right can be attributable to the unified subjectivity and separable transfer and mortgage, the house all right to become a truly independent real right. 目录: |