
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The 1992 riots in Losangeles were the largest ethnic conflict in the United States since the twentieth Century sixty years. In the conflict between black and white friction caused by the conflict, Korean Americans suffered the most damage. With Korean and African American world of the original state at the time as a result of the social economy, population change and exchange between ethnic prejudice. First of all, the United States in twentieth Century eighty years old conservative social and economic policy and trade structure adjustment to the social grassroots fell out of the social welfare and mission opportunities, resulting in further expansion of the gap between the rich and the poor. Secondly, new immigrants near the influx of changing the structure of the US population, not superior to teach blacks in the labor market was to amend immigration great impact. And Korean Americans but through the process in the African American community entrepreneurship promotion person's social position, and the black poor life form bright comparison. Initially, different culture barriers between Korean and African exchange, is the usual contact continuously formed on both sides of the friction and conflict; media also failed to stop as any reports, to slow down on both sides of the important relationship. Between Korean and African confrontation is continuously into the class, and Rodney King cases of unfair trial is eventually inspired the violence between Korean and African conflict. In today's world, immigration recent trends to the Japanese trend accelerated, and will follow the global growth tends to be pluralistic, inter ethnic confrontation and conflict will also be difficult to completely prevent. Is, the authorities, different ethnic groups and the media should cooperate to make the best effort to pay attention to ethnic differences, to accurately lure the public, to avoid a repeat of the history of comedy.


Acknowledgements   3-4   Abstract   4   摘要   5-7   Introduction   7-11   Ⅰ Socio-economic Factors in the 1992 Los Angeles Riot   11-21       1.1 Socio-economic Conditions in the 1980s   11-13       1.2 Economic Restructuring Before the 1992 Riot   13-16       1.3 Economic Restructuring and Class Divisions in Los Angeles   16-21   Ⅱ Demographic Factors in the 1992 Los Angeles Riot   21-33       2.1 Demographic Composition and Changes in Los Angeles Before 1992   21-25       2.2 Entrepreneurship of Korean Americans and the 1992 Los Angeles Riot   25-33           2.2.1 Korean American Entrepreneurship   25-28           2.2.2 Model Minority and Class Divide   28-33   Ⅲ Communicative Factors in the 1992 Los Angeles Riot   33-44       3.1 Different Communicative Patterns   33-37       3.2 Cultural Impacts on Interethnic Communication   37-40       3.3 Media Report and Interethnic Conflict   40-44   Conclusion   44-47   Bibliography   47-49   外交学院硕士探讨生学位论文答辩委员会组成人员名单   49  
