패션잡지번역에서의 외래어 차용에 관한 통시적 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-26

This thesis examines foreign words employed in fashion magazine articles and includes an analysis of their overall patterns and transformations. It also illuminates the problems caused by borrowing foreign words in target texts, based on Toury’s ana...

This thesis examines foreign words employed in fashion magazine articles and includes an analysis of their overall patterns and transformations. It also illuminates the problems caused by borrowing foreign words in target texts, based on Toury’s analytic framework of the “law of interference” and of the “law of growing standardization.” For the analysis, fashion magazines from different generations were chosen to examine the use of foreign words over time. Then, the extracted vocabulary was classified into four categories: fashion-specific words, color expressions, sensibility vocabulary, and miscellaneous general foreign words. First, the foreign words were counted and, once in their respective groups, were compared and analyzed respectively and diachronically. Second, this thesis demonstrates the “law of the interference” by comparing the usage rate of Korean words with that of foreign words in the graph. Third, the rate of a growing standardization is verified by counting the repetition of foreign words to test the quality of the text under the notion of the law of growing standardization. In the results, the use of foreign words in fashion magazines had increased remarkably each generation. Of the four categories, the miscellaneous general foreign words group had the largest increase in use over time. The frequency rate, which indicates the level of diverse expression, displays that the miscellaneous general foreign words group was also the highest of the four. This suggests that fashion magazines tend to prefer foreign words over Korean words when explaining new terms. In regards to variety of expression, the sensibility vocabulary showed to be the second lowest of the four. Although a term could just as easily be described in Korean, this category has gradually shown tendencies of using borrowed foreign words instead. Thus, it shows that, as the standardization of borrowed foreign words grows, there are less varieties of options in Korean, compromising not only the reader's understanding due to the employment of a large number of lexical terms, but also the overall quality of the target texts due to the repetition of confined words. As this thesis compared the use of foreign words in current fashion magazine articles with past articles, it was found that the use of foreign words not only increased by preference for foreign culture, but also showed an increase in the standardized rate of which Korean expression could be influenced. Despite its limitations in examining data, this thesis sheds a new light on the borrowing of foreign words as a translation strategy through Toury’s two exemplary laws. It also seems to provide food for thought on the part of translators, as to what they should consider during the translation process to allow for coherent readability.
