학문 목적 한국어 학습자를 위한 경제학 기본어휘 선정 및 분석 : 경제학 전공 기본 교재 분석을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-26

This study aims to select basic vocabularies of economics for Korean learners who major in economics at domestic universities for academic purpose, analyze the characteristics of the list of vocabularies, and explore how to teach basic vocabularies of...

This study aims to select basic vocabularies of economics for Korean learners who major in economics at domestic universities for academic purpose, analyze the characteristics of the list of vocabularies, and explore how to teach basic vocabularies of the area. Chapter 1 states the necessity and goal of this study, dividing the selection of the list of vocabularies for academic purpose and selection of the list of vocabularies of business department for academic purpose. Chapter 2 investigates the former study to Korean education for academic purpose, specifies the theory on the basic vocabularies and specialized vocabularies for academic purpose, and thus defines the concept of the basic vocabularies of economics selected in this study. Chapter 3 presents the possible learners of the basic vocabularies of economics, the learning period, and necessity of learning. Besides, which vocabularies should be selected in what way is examined based on the characteristics of specialized vocabularies. In the fundamental process of selecting basic vocabularies of economics, the standards for classifying noun vocabularies and basic vocabularies of economics are set. 362 basic words of economics in total were selected. Chapter 4 analyzes the list of the selected basic words of economics. The percentage of proper words, Chinese words, and foreign words in the basic vocabularies was examined, and the list was compared with “the list of vocabularies for Korean learning”, “the list of basic Korean words for common purpose”. Then the words with similar meaning in the list of the basic vocabularies of economics were selected and classified to 5 areas. Chapter 5 presents teaching plans of vocabularies in a reading class environment. Articles from news were selected as the material, and the list of the basic words of economics in the articles was investigated to verify the validity of the established list. The class features reading in adoption of teaching plans of vocabularies including basic words of economics. Chapter 6 sums up the general contents as the conclusion, indicates the limitation, and presents suggestions for future studies. It is hoped that this study, which includes the selected and analyzed list of basic words of economics, will be a reference for foreign students who major in economics in domestic universities as well as teachers in language education centers who should teach such students before they enter college.
